Combine Elite?

Wha? The gas mask looks like the combine assassin concept art.
I've seen people using that as avatars, always wondered where it came from.

Guess we'll find out in a couple of months.
Yeah, seems that the combine assasins are now male and called combine elites.

But does this mean, staff has seen more of the game directly from valve, than us? ;) Do they get some special stuff?
Cool, combine assasins. Dunno why but it's just... cool
I wondered where that came from as well. I haven't seen it in a any screenshots.

Maybe they got the screenshot off Valve?
lans said:
Yeah, seems that the combine assasins are now male and called combine elites.

I wonder if it's more like the difference between the male Black Ops and the female assasins from the original games...
Automatic Kafka said:
I don't like the white.

They look like some sort of robot from an anime cartoon or something, still look good though hehe :)
Maybe it's a picture from a Star Wars geek convention (looks more like a foto than a screen shot to me)

Another Half-Life enemy returns! What was once an easily avoidable blob and string hanging on the ceilings of Black Mesa is now an evolved version with a lot more movement. These pulsating sacks wont be afraid to whip you around the neck and haul you up to it's waiting mouth.

I'm also curious as to how they know that the barnie is a more active enemy this time? Do they know more? Or just a guess to make it sound more dramatic?
PvtRyan said:
I'm also curious as to how they know that the barnie is a more active enemy this time? Do they know more? Or just a guess to make it sound more dramatic?

Perhaps they were just going by that concept art pic...where a barnacle seems to be actively attacking Gordon rather than passively lying in wait.
PvtRyan said:
I'm also curious as to how they know that the barnie is a more active enemy this time? Do they know more? Or just a guess to make it sound more dramatic?

I remember some preview mentioning that it was more active.
Something else I've never heard before...

On the characters page, it states that Dr. Breen is also known as "The Consul"... where did that come from?
It looks like a picture of some guy...not a picture from the game...
I think they look absolutely cool!
Also, I hope to see the female version on the concept, always had a thing for fassn, so this'll undoubtly become my favorite enemy.
Even if it was based off the concept art, picture this:

The tongue hangs straight down. Gordon walks into it. He starts to run away from it, while struggling to get it loose. So now he is in that position where it looks like he was just standing there and the barnacle moved his tongue.

What I REALLY want to see is if I were to move a physical object into his toungue, and it sticks to it!! That would look so cool. And the tongue being an actual physical "rope" so it will bend or whatever if I push something in it.

Can't wait! :D
This site definitely received some additional footage from Valve, I can't think of an instance where you saw Eli (although you may have seen him like that in the e3 video, but I'm not sure because I haven't got that one anymore), Breen and Dog from a position like you see them in the Characters page.

They even knew about the fact that the hydra is taken out from the game. Something tells me there is a hidden board where valve posted some special stuff for the staff only...

the elite combine reminds me of the ninja from Metal Gear Solid for some reason
Wow... good post (and pic). Too bad I wont be surprised when I play the game. :(
lans said:

They even knew about the fact that the hydra is taken out from the game. Something tells me there is a hidden board where valve posted some special stuff for the staff only...


It's well known that the site staff have regular contact with Valve. As well as many other companies.
those pesky secret keepin' mods! spill the beans!
Something about that picture doesn't look quite right at all - it just doesn't "fit" with the other Combine models that we've seen so far.

I think it's either discarded concept art or from some other game - but it just doesn't feel Valve-ish.
Wait a sec...when dd they say the hydra was taken out of the game? God damn that would be ghey if they did....
Dr0ndeh said:
i think its the recent pic of dog standing next to alyx, except the image has been mirrored.

No it isn't.

EDIT: I should probably explain more but it's not, I've just compared the two.
This is like the only HL2 site that has all the character and monster bios right.

You can never find one that isn't all completely right.

Thankyou :)
Not a single mod has replied to this tread. They are hiding! :eek:
I don't know - there's a Metal Gear Solid feel to that pic rather than Half Life 2.