

May 22, 2003
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What exactly are the combine? Are they the soldiers running around in the Half-life 2 Demo's? Are they soldiers? I've only heard that the so called "soldiers" are aliens looking like humans. Oh and what are the new aliens called?
You've never seen them through pics or videos? Here's a pic and screenshot of a Combine Soldier

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MIW to be honest we dont exactly know but there are plnty of rumors out there that sound cool. from what we gather though they could be government soldiers "cleaning up or yes possible under alien control one way or another, this is what is so adictive about valve and ttheir ways, u always wanna know more and their no giveing u it till u buy it or beat it.
Human or not, the writing on his tag and armband is pretty funky.
Perhaps human soldiers hired by the aliens to get rid of Freeman? The strange markings could be just tags, used to distinguish who is who to the aliens. Everyone has enemies, so the G-man might not be liked on some planets. Humans have alien friends. Why can't the aliens have human friends?
That is the dumbest idea iv evre heard your a grade "A" moron.

nah im just F*kin with u its not a bad idea but i dont think thats true, why would u hire from the race that u are tryin to destroy/enslave if u were to enslave (mind or will) they would not be employed but rather owned. there are a million and one possible answers to this but we will most likely not know till closer to release or til it comes out, which i prefer because i wanna learn on my own during the course of the game.

but my vote for who they are goes to either:
#1 clones-help humans deal better with take over
#2 enslaved-by mind or will
#3 government "clean-up" soldiers tryin to combat the aliens/"clean" the town/possibly kill freeman for disobeyance.

mark my words

any input on to my ideas or any in thie topic of interest...
Originally posted by Stitch
Perhaps human soldiers hired by the aliens to get rid of Freeman? The strange markings could be just tags, used to distinguish who is who to the aliens. Everyone has enemies, so the G-man might not be liked on some planets. Humans have alien friends. Why can't the aliens have human friends?
how can u explaing the ant-lions fighting the hman soldiers?
Maybe its the goverment thats trying to clean everything up..
Originally posted by Laguna
Maybe its the goverment thats trying to clean everything up..
I thought all the soldiers from the government got raped. :devil:
they are continueing to get raped more like it. at the end of hl they said they have it contained temporarly or somfin so your guess is as good as mine...well mines better actually check my above post :dozey:
My answer is just as good as yours. We don't know jack at this time.

dovoxove, I can't really.
YEah Stitch... We dont know a SHIT !!!
Maybe they are clowns from outer space !! :cheese:
What are they Laguna? Tell me, I'm dying to know.
I think that they are from... Japan =D =D =D

I have know idea... Have to do a brainstorm
*Slaps Laguna around a bit with Eminem's panties*

brain stormin wont dont jack shit until valve releases info.

oh and your guesses arnt as good as mine

/me pee's on Laguna's shoe

/laguna slips and falls on his head smashing he head onto the pavemen shatterning it into a million pieces

/me points at stitch and runs

/me comes back and pee's on the back of laguna's shirt "KiNG OWNZ j00!!!"
Im geussing the Combine are human... I mean why exactly would aliens be using MP5s and OICWs? If they were aliens they'd probably have a super rifle or some shit.
jagger appearance is everything, and besides that i think they are human too but u never know, just keep your mind open and dont set your heart on anything.

/me tinks Laguna is getting irritated...:dozey:
Did anyone else notice that in the video during the fight against the combine where barney is helping you he is dressed in a combine uniform?? Does this mean that he was a spy inside the combine or they are just normal people who chose to fight for them and when barney saw Mr Freeman on the other side thought "screw this!!" and defected back again???
your ripped demo screen shots prove nothing!

jk. this is true but during the course of the game u never know i think they are government clean-up and iv pretty muched rules out alien from my previous post.
/me gets poking stick..

/me pokes king

owned biotch :frown:
a wittle zombie pokin meh? he heh heh

/me reminds Laguna that hes not playin DooM3

this is getting off topic.

im worried that it will be like the last gaem where u saw virtually no soldiers at the end, cerpt dead ones i hope ther is a chance that u get to work with the combine at a few points, when like vastly outnumbered by aliens a temp ally is formed, that would be cool and u could kill em for ammo :P but wut im sayin is that u chage the alien fortress with combine and watch them get slaughtered like something that gets slaughtered really bad...
i also want the combine to have high forms(which there will no doubt be) and be a great rival(better than the spy chiks form first one) :cheers:
Hopefully they will work in groups.... like in Metal gear solid 2..
it would be pointless if they didnt. although u can get that one who gets scared and runs away after seeing his team ripped aprat be ant lions...that would bee cool and fu to watch...
but on normal parts they would inflict enough damage if they werent in groups, unless they were special assualt :D and with all of valve braging about the AI it should work well, covering each other flankin and so on. if it doesnt i will be dissapointed...:dozey:
Ahhhh... cant wait for this game !!!!!

BTW Breed tomorrow !!
i try and breed everyday i can it only natrual.

i was thinkin that valve has put so much money and time in this game(maybe not in that order) that there is so much we dont know and so much they are holdin back purposely, i was wonderin how amny forms of combine there might be, in the last game there was only normal and the fast spy chiks but they could add more realistic ones lies armor techs and larger lil mechs and wut not.:cheers:
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.... KiNG I mean the GAME !!!

KiNG no baka !!
wuts baka?
im runin outa things to say with all these comments im addin in..
but do u think the combine will have helicopters(most likley) and if they do you could find an empty one on the ground or kill the crew b4 they can get to it when u assualt a base or somthin and fly it...i hope the have good controls like bf1942 helicopters which take actual skill to use.
oh and i saw a thread a while back to ask why is barney wearin a combine uniform, anyone get any good ideas why?
learn Japanese and youll know.. he he he

to answer you q. : Maybe it was a infiltration mission or sth... ^_^ many languages do u know?
btw its been just u and me talkin back and forth on all the different forums for a puttin in most of the ideas while u chit chat gimme somthing to work with here.

i love the way the ombine look they have that evil yet professional feel and in pictures look to move in a suave powerful and in control, i just hope they dont up these guy with all the same voices and sissy voices either, i want something like the voices of the storm toopers in star wars...
If you would spend as much time perfecting the english language as you do spamming these forums, others might be able to decipher your babbling.
Originally posted by KiNG many languages do u know?
btw its been just u and me talkin back and forth on all the different forums for a puttin in most of the ideas while u chit chat gimme somthing to work with here.

i love the way the ombine look they have that evil yet professional feel and in pictures look to move in a suave powerful and in control, i just hope they dont up these guy with all the same voices and sissy voices either, i want something like the voices of the storm toopers in star wars...

if you listen to the 4th movie, the part when the combine soldier gets impaled by the hydra, you can hear the combine talk someting in a cool voice and then when he gets impaled, he screams!
arent the combine soldiers, strider, and weird flying things (the thing freeman was fighting in the buggy) all together?

By the way, hi :cool:
Yup.. there one race. or the combine soldiers are converted humans.. we simply dont know.

Hi to you to :cool: