Combines, Vortigaunts or Citizens?


Jan 19, 2009
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If you were In City 17 whos side would you be on?

'Combines or Vortigaunts or Citizens?'

I would like to work with the Combine because they get into most of the action in HL2. :thumbs:
Well I mean who would you rather be around or talk to if you lived in City 17 in the Half-Life 2 "Universe".
If I didn't know a crowbar wielding, enviro-suite laden man among men were going to stage an all out escape and then come back and destroy everything, I'd be 100% with the Combine. If I'm cautious...I'll stick with the Vorts. Friendly, yet dangerous. Especially against those antlions...
Vorts, they are like Humans only greener, more powerful and with a black guy for the voice :p
A conversation with a Vort might provide some interesting answers and comic relief, bu they'd probably regard you as interchangeable with any other citizen. Episode 2 is the first time they really recognize individuals that much.
Vortigaunts, because of the lightning and general betterness than citizens.
Okay, I admit, this is a bit off topic, but why does everyone seem to call the Combine "Combines"? Not once are they called "Combines" in-game.
Just to make this post semi-relevant; I'd probably stick with my fellow Humans, but I might hang around with the vorts on occasion.
I'd go with the vorts.

And I (still) call advisors "Combines."
Okay, I admit, this is a bit off topic, but why does everyone seem to call the Combine "Combines"? Not once are they called "Combines" in-game.
This. Is it really that much bother to just say "Combine Soldiers" or "CPs" or "Advisors"?
I think being a combine would be cool, being the figure of authority in the Half Life universe would be great, also we would know alot about portals and where the combine came from.
I would be with the vorts.

"Sure doesn't tast like crab.."

"That is because you are eating a shoe."


Also, they are Evil Combines from Outer Space and Science!
I guess I would be what I am- a citizen! A rebel! Helping Gordon everywhere.
I coulda sworn I've heard some citizens shout "Combines!" before, or something.

Anyway, I'd prefer to be a human, with the whole "My mind isn't connected with everyone else's" thing, but I'd want to hang with Vorts constantly.