Compile error - Areaportals

Dario D.

Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
I get a compile error several times, one for each area portal, that says:

"Brush (number): areaportal brush doesn't touch two areas"

What does that mean? I have a few area portals... each of them is in a hall or doorway that opens into another area. They are one unit wide, and have tools/areaportal tex on all sides. All sides are also embedded in solid,... and finally, they are func_areaportal.

What am I doing wrong?

edit: i tried making them set to "open", but it didn't make the errors go away.
They don't enclose an area, your areas are leaking. LOAD POINTFILE
Where do I find the point file?

Edit: Oh, I see how... but there is no point file associated. I a DOS batch compiler for compiling. Maybe that's why there's no pointfile?