Computer's Overheating

Feb 15, 2010
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Help! I cannot play any games for more than 30 minutes! The computer gets hotter and hotter, and simply dies.
When was the last time you cleaned the computer? Try blowing all of the dust out of the case and heatsinks, it might help.
If it's getting too hot, it means it can't shed the heat fast enough. Increase the speed of the case fans, if possible. If that doesn't do it, you'll have to take manual control of the VGA fan to turn it up as well.
Clean the dust from inside your case and fans.

Make sure your case fans and GPU fans are working, and check on the cpu heatsink.

If none of that is the issue, increase fan speed. But I suspect you have a malfunctioning fan somewhere.
Take a vacuum cleaner to the bastard. It'll be the dust bunnies.