Configuration specs question


One more fan

I have something I'd like to understand.
Most of the Steam's videos are part of the E3 presentation (bugbait, traptown, g-man, kleiner's).
So it would mean that the PC used for E3 demo, if I remember P4 3 Gh with Radeon 9700, was, during playing, encoding videos in the bink format.
So it would mean that if encoding takes some of the calculation power of the computer, the specs to reach 70 FPS in the game are not that hard.
-Video was encoded by an other PC so it was not taking CPU resources: my topic losts all its interest;
-Or if right, specs to obtain 70 FPS in 1024 * 768 may just be Athlon 2Gh Geforce 4 MX, no ?

What do you think about that ?

Excuse my spelling, im french.

"pfiou that's done. 'hope u'll understand me
They probably have a special solution for capturing the video. Something simple like using a monitor cloning device with the 2nd monitor plugged into a separate video capture unit would seem the most obvious.
or perhaps it's a demo and they did it like we usually record HL1 movies, frame by frame?

we already know that it was, in fact, a demo (demo interpolation playback bugs and what not), so why the hell bother with two screens when you can just use one?