Could some1 tell me the full story line of op4 and blue shift?


Aug 18, 2003
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thx guys I dont have time to play blue shift and opposing force could some1 tell me the whole story? Post it here or email at [email protected]
Blue Shift: your Barney you have to escape black masa and save dudes
Opposing Force : your a Grunt sent in to baby sit the scientists but you get shot down and you have to get out of there.
There's about 25 hours of gameplay altogether. 2 hours a day, 13 days til HL2 that's 26 hours worth of gaming until HL2. Easy.
Originally posted by Chris_D
There's about 25 hours of gameplay altogether. 2 hours a day, 13 days til HL2 that's 26 hours worth of gaming until HL2. Easy.

L M A O ! ! 2 hours a day my cheeks!!!
im on holidays :D more like 24/7 HL and CS and DOD hehee
Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
L M A O ! ! 2 hours a day my cheeks!!!
im on holidays :D more like 24/7 HL and CS and DOD hehee

than when sept. 30th comes around it's 24/7 HL2 wether you have something to do or not:cheers:
The funny thing is that in Blueshift you see Gordon at the beginning; when the door won't open you see him in of those black mesa subway cars, and the amusing thing is that in Halflife you see Barney pounding on that door.
I do 30 hours of gaming at least a week. Hell, I talk about games more than I play them. 25-26 hours = nothing.
This isn't a how long do you play a week thread, it's a storyline thread.
You're right D33, so here we gooOOO!

Blueshift: You are Barney Calhoun, security guard working at Black Mesa with a level 3 clearance level (same as Gordon Freeman). You start off the day at work with a practice session at the firing range, then you move on your assignment for the day: escort two scientists to the lower levels. This is when things go horribly wrong, there is a power surge and you are stuck in the elevator, the resonance cascade has begun.

The elevator takes a free-fall.

When you come to your senses, a couple of those noisy alien hounds appear. Shooting them is a piece of cake.

The rest of the story is a bit non-existent, all I can say is that you save about half a dozen scientists stuck or hiding in freight train containers. One of them will help you get to a teleporter device: your last chance to escape Black Mesa. But in order to start the machinery, you have to go activate a few thingamajigs in Black Mesa, and there's even a short trip to Xen: there is a sort of sattelite equipment stationed on its' soil that you need to realign with the new coordinates which basicaly translates into turning a few knobs till the lights go green. Upon your return to Black Mesa you have to teleport the scientists one by one into the portal, when the last one goes in you start hearing radio chatter... marines. You fight your way through a handful of gung-ho marines to jump through the portal.

This is the funny part, the only good part I might add of the game, there is some of disturbance in the teleporter fields you find yourself hopping around Black Mesa for a minute, and if you are careful you can notice this extra bit:

You are in a small storage room, and there is vent in front of you above the boxes, you can hear some marines chatting again: "What if they find the body?"... chzzzt "Body? what body?" cchhzztt "Hahaha!" You can tell it's Gordon Freeman being dragged away by two grunts.

Then you are teleported again, this time outside of Black Mesa where the other scientists have got one of those Jeep Cherokee look-a-likes running, you hop in with the rest and off you go. That's it basically, nothing too fancy.

Barney Calhoun escapes Black Mesa.

Now my opinion on this expansion is that it's too short. I finished it in under 3 hours on the difficult setting and you're never short of ammo or health/hev. You don't encounter anything bigger than those aliens with the hornet gun who are very annoying by the way. You only get a limited access to weaponry: the most powerful weapon being the RPG, no fancy stuff like the gauss or gluon guns. And to add to the list of downsides the "puzzles" are very easy to solve.
Originally posted by D33
This isn't a how long do you play a week thread, it's a storyline thread.

d33 and Para thx so much. I would love to beat op4 and blue shift but I go to university, which is more than a full time job so I dont have the luxury of playing 3 hrs a day!
is there any relevant info in op4 regarding storyline?
i love the bits in BLUE SHIFT where..>

1) at the start you see gordon on the tram! (you are the barny hitting the door.

2) at the very end you get teleported to a room and see GORDON in the other being dragged by 2 grunts (which DID happen in HL)

then you teleport bk to the scientist and drive away in the sunset awww lovely LOL
Hey what about in blue shift when you see the rail car crash at the beginning. That was sw33t.
o yea!

the elevator was cool.

but i love how it adds gordon and u see him. JUST like in opposing force! man it is SWEET as
I'd suggest you just buy the Half-Life: Generations pack. It's pretty cheap, and it's always worth getting the game that's considered to be the best of its time.
o the memories! :bounce:

im off to buy generations just for the hell of it, despite playing through half life and the expansions at least three times :bounce: (but then i lost the disks);(
slim versions:
Adrian shepard is a solder going to Black Mesa. his chopper goes down, he wakes up and escapes, at the end he is with G-Man in a chopper like the end of HL1

your a security gaurd who fight off aliens and escapes in a jeep with scientists.
Originally posted by GPRT
o the memories! :bounce:

im off to buy generations just for the hell of it, despite playing through half life and the expansions at least three times :bounce: (but then i lost the disks);(

u...u....u....u LOST THE DISC!

ok hmm i think might as well let you get away with that, BUT DON'T EVER LOOSE THE HL2 DISC!!!!!!!
:P you guys forgot about the assassins planting the nuke. That was like the whole point of op4. i wonder if we'll see a return of the assassins.