Would you want a source 2 collection of HL+expansions and one of HL2+episodes?


Feb 5, 2013
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basically what the title says, would you want a source 2 collection of HL and its expansions and of HL2 and its episodes?
here's what i assume would go into each

HL1 collection
-Half-life, Half-life Blue shift, Half-life opposing force and opposing forces deathmatch(all launched as 1 game)
-all the games would get the same kind of enhancements HL1 got going to source(like level select,water,graphics) plus whatever optimizations source 2 brings
-VR support for everything

HL2 collection
-Half-life 2,Half-life 2 episode 1,Half-life 2 episode 2 and deathmatch(maybe inclusion of lost coast)
-half-life 2 and its episodes would all be combined into 1 giant half-life 2 you could play from start to finish
-HL2 and episode 1 get the upgraded AI and graphics of episode 2
-upgraded optimization brought from source 2

One thing i was thinking with both which might come with source 2(MIGHT) is the ability for the game to gradually load levels, so you only load the game once and never have to load again. just guessing with this, no actual news on this technology.

so, would you want source 2 collections like that?

P.S I didn't mention VR support for HL2 and episodes because it's being implemented now by valve on those.I mentioned it for HL1 because only HL source and source deathmatch are getting it, blue shift and opposing force aren't
If a transfer to Source 2 only got rid of those annoying loading pauses, I would be happy.
I think Valve have enough trouble keeping the existing versions stable.

If I -had- to choose one of the existing Half-Life games to get some tender loving care, it would be Half-Life 2. Not to change the graphics, but rather to clean up some of the bugs and rough edges (Such as Breen's almost inaudible speech outside the Nexus building).

A single unified release of Half-Life 2 + The Episodes would be interesting, but I would much rather they focused on getting new stuff out.
It would give a good reason to finish all Half Life series one more time, with a slightly different experiences:) . However, I don't think Valve will spend time to convert 6 games: even if the conversion could be done "automatically", they will certainly need to do some post process on each converted game (test,debugging,fixes...), and it would take a lot of time. But I would not be surprised to see only 1 game converted: HL2 - Source 2.
One thing i was thinking with both which might come with source 2(MIGHT) is the ability for the game to gradually load levels, so you only load the game once and never have to load again. just guessing with this, no actual news on this technology.
I also heavily advocate for Source 2 to include this sort of technology. I have a lot of confidence that Valve could pull it off, too, since it's been done before. Quantum Conundrum pulled off this sort of dynamic loading which circumvents all load screens after initially loading the game up, but it was very poorly optimized, so it made transition levels into slideshows on average-powered computers. On higher-end computers like mine, the frame-rate drops weren't horrible, but it was still distinctly noticeable.

So, basically, Valve can do it. The concept has already been proven to work. However, they need to pull it off better than the Quantum Conundrum team did.