Counter-Strike: Source Beta Guide

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
The nice fellows over at CSNation have just posted news of their new CS:Source beta guide. The guide is very informative and will explain some of the differences you'll find between CS:1.6 and CS:Source as well as the low down on some of the newer features to the game and the new engine. Here's a quote:
I'm sure you're aware of the upgrades to the Flash and Smoke grenades. Both are much more useful now. A single smoke 'nade can provide pretty decent cover, especially in darker areas. Two smokes and you can go ahead and set up a picnic. If you're a terrorist on dust you'll definitely want to start using smoke grenades to provide cover from the snipers perched above the underpass, or to block off the right flank inside the halls while you rush the bombsite.
The article is very informative and a great read. It even taught me a thing or two.[br]You can read the full guide here.
I haven't really followed the CS:S Beta, this puts me back into the loop...I think :thumbs:
If I didn't have to have my bro exit and logout all the time, I'd play more. :(
I could have sworn I read this before.... oh, I did. sorry.

:) Still a good read though.