Countersuit against VALVe


Oct 3, 2004
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If Vivendi Universal wins its countersuit against valve claiming rights to the half-life franchise, what will that mean for the future of this game? Valve will undoubtedly stay on for HL3, but will they thereafter refuse to work on projects deemed "valuable" by vivendi in the half-life universe, such as expansions, and game support? Vivendi must know that without valve working on half-life related games the quality will fall dramatically, I guess they could always outsource to someone like gearbox who did a good job on opfor and blueshift...
It would be an endless assault of horrible sequels. Like Rocky 2-8 or however many they ended up making.
cH0WyUNf4T said:
If Vivendi Universal wins its countersuit against valve claiming rights to the half-life franchise
They won't. They didn't even fund any of the HL-games for crying out loud!

Valve will undoubtedly stay on for HL3
Unless contractually obligated, there is no way in hell they would work on anything they didn't own.

Vivendi must know that without valve working on half-life related games the quality will fall dramatically
Right, the quality of a title is of course always a publishers main concern...
Just even the suggestion of Vivendi trying to take away Valve's intellectual property sounds like the relationship is over and Vivendi has nothing to lose by trying something that probably won't work.
Valve own the HL franchise, they cant lose that.
Rocky 1 and 2 were nasty, the rest sucked......:) anyways...i cant see Vivendi winning anything, not that i really know anything about the case.....but I assume the trial attorney for vivendi has played half life 2 and wont let that happen....
azz0r said:
Valve own the HL franchise, they cant lose that.
Agreed. Vivendi is not suing over who owns Half Life, but who has the right to distribute Half-Life. I think at issue is whether or not Valve is stepping on Vivendi's toes by distributing through Steam.

Anyway, I don't think they'll win.

Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
Isn't it valve's game to distribute how they want?

Unless it's in vivendi/valve's contract, thats another story.
Vivendi is also suing for the intelliectual proporties for Half-Life I believe. Or atleased that was one of their original plans.