Couple get divorce over virtual affair


May 5, 2004
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Over in the UK, Amy Taylor is divorcing her husband, David Pollard, due to a ?virtual affair.? After meeting online in a chatroom more than five years ago, the couple married six months later and subsequently spent a lot of their time playing online games together ? most notably Second Life and World of Warcraft.

It was Second Life which led to the problem. After taking a ?rare break from her computer,? Amy awoke from her nap and found her husband soliciting the services of a Second Life prostitute, whilst on the couch in a ?compromising position.? No, David himself wasn?t on the couch giving himself a run for his money while salivating at the screen; his character was cuddling on a couch with the virtual adulteress.

?I was so hurt. I just couldn?t believe what he?d done,? she said. ?It?s cheating as far as I?m concerned, but he didn?t see it as a problem and couldn?t see why I was so upset.?

This wasn?t the first time Amy suspected that her unemployed 40-year-old husband was cheating on her with a pixelated vixen. Last year, she hired a Second Life private investigator to trail her husband in-game and find out what he had been up to. ?I still had my suspicions, but couldn?t my finger on it,? she said. ?He never did anything in real life, but I had my suspicions about what he was doing in Second Life.? The virtual sleuth caught David being intimate with another Second Life avatar, and after much apologizing to his real and virtual wives, the two put it behind them, and Amy happily moved on. Until now.

the best part of the story ..this is a photo comparing the couple with their virtual characters:



the interwebs is the bestest place in the worlds
her avatar's boobs are smaller than his avatar's pecs

and probably his rl manboobs as well
HA! You can't blame this one on obese Americans!

We win this time.
Oh dear god I'm glad I quit mmorpgs such as those before I ever would become anything like that.
Strange how we americans view fat europeans as the saviors who will remove the burden of the fat stereotype from our sweaty rolled shoulders.
That guy looks a bit like Karl Rove.
They're so fat. They're so very fat.

You see, we only get media attention for fat people because they're so rare. Clearly.