Cr@zy French guy :S **spoiler possibly**



That French dude with the shotgun in Ravenhlom is nuts, not only that, he is also invincible :cheers, when i played through the graveyard part, i thought it would be funny to see him mauled by 5 zombies.... to my dismay, he killed them all, one bullet each and didnt seem to take any notice that he was being clawed in the back of the skull :x Quite cool, made my job easier too:)
mason said:
That French dude with the shotgun in Ravenhlom is nuts, not only that, he is also invincible :cheers, when i played through the graveyard part, i thought it would be funny to see him mauled by 5 zombies.... to my dismay, he killed them all, one bullet each and didnt seem to take any notice that he was being clawed in the back of the skull :x Quite cool, made my job easier too:)
He's french? Really? I didn't pick up on that. I guess I was fooled by his Converse sneakers :LOL:
he is :thumbs: maybe all that wine aided in his invincibility :farmer:
mason said:
he is :thumbs: maybe all that wine aided in his invincibility :farmer:
I guess it's american popculture's fault, unless I see him carrying a bagette a beret and a striped polo I won't make the connection. ;)
Russian Accent. "Comrade" gave it away a bit I think.
Dux said:
Russian Accent. "Comrade" gave it away a bit I think.
He said comrade? I only remember brother, but his accent did strike me as... not french which is why I was surprised.
he's definately russian, not french.
Either Russian orthodox, or possibly of eastern European slavic descent, I would guess. Grigori is not really a French surname either. But he is not invincible, either. When it comes to the part where he is holding the gate open for you, I was farting around for awhile and the game ended with: failure to protect mission critical asset! He is one tough mojo and can withstand alot of zombie damage, though.
ok, we have established he aint French :borg: but just before you go down the mines, he douses absoloutley eveything in fire :S :bonce: and he still has enough good will to carry on laughing as he blows out brain
like all main characters, he is not invincible, but he can take a lot, which is good.

having to quick load all the time isn't exactly good for a game's atmosphere ;)
I wonder if he dies, me thinks he does..but its left to your own imagination..
i reckon he's ok, the guy has his congregation to look after
I believe he dies. I mean there's a freaking army of zombies that's slowly coming at him and then that depressing music plays
stkman said:
Either Russian orthodox, or possibly of eastern European slavic descent, I would guess. Grigori is not really a French surname either.

Fully concur with that, being Russian myself, his accent is Russian, although the guy who does the voice for him is actually British ;) Go figure ;)

Grigorii is actually a Russian name, I do not know of any other Slavic ethos that uses this exact form of it. Belorussian, Ukrainian or Bulgarian are the other options.
It's funny, you are right about the music... I thought at first that he would die and it was a really touching moment. But then I saw he didn't ... they will ssave him for HL3 :)
Valve have made a great move in investing in key characters throughout the game. There's the rocket launcher guy, father Gregori and a couple of others who you only encounter briefly but seem to have a life of their own beyond interaction with you and that's just cool!
It doesn't matter whether or not he died, what matters is that the last we see of him is this powerful and likeable figure blowing away his congregation. Fantastic character, Valve have set a nice example to be followed.