Creating a server that my friends can join


Jul 22, 2006
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I have been having a lot of issues with creating a listen server that my friends can join over the internet.

I have forwarded all the necessary ports (I think I have anyway, could someone post the ports that are needed?) but when my friends tried to join my server it said "Not responding".

After some investigating I found that I was only making a Lan game and that I needed to type sv_lan 0 into the console. Only problem is that when ever I type a command into the console it doesn't do anything. It doesn't say "invalid command" or anything, it just shows up in the console.

I then tried creating a listenserver.cfg file with sv_cheats 1 and sv_lan 0, but the server still came up as a lan one.

Can anyone help me out? I really don't know a whole lot about this server stuff :bounce:
First, its normal for the sv_lan 0 to not respond. It will give an error if the commands wrong (e.g. sc_lan 0), but otherwise will just accept it. You can test the status by typing in sv_lan on its own without a number. It will then come back and show you what its set to (Try it, you'll see what I mean).

However, the message your friends would see if the problem was LAN mode would be different to the "Not responding" message they get, so its probably something else. My first guess would be the IP address. Are you giving them your external IP address or your LAN address? If it looks like 192.168.x.x then its only for your LAN and will not work. If thats the case, try to find your external IP.

Finally, a good troubleshooting step is to have your friends add your server into thier favorites. If it shows up with the server name and everything, then its a problem with the server rejecting them. If it says "Server not found" or whatever it says, its more likley an issue with your IP or ports.