Creepiest part of Portal


Feb 13, 2009
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Based on the "Scariest part in Half Life" thread. I know there aren't really that many scary parts in Portal, but I just wanted to see what other people thought.

For me, it's right after you drop down the hole following the whole piston chamber. The last Ratman den. Whenever I turned around I was expecting to suddenly see Ratman staring at me. Seriosly, that is the creepiest of all Ratman dens.
I played Portal when I was feeling ill and it made me feel like dying when I got shot out the orange portal sideways. It made me feel like I was really there. If theres one game that would utilize virtual reality, Portal would be my 2nd choice right after HL2: Ep 2
Without a doubt the creepiest part for me was the back areas of the facility. It literally looked like every one had just vanished into thin air. That at any moment they'll be back and the place will be up and operational again. But they weren't coming. The rust and the decay indicated that to me. That and over all feeling of isolation, as if your the last living human on the earth, with only a faint AI talking to you over intercoms, almost always delivering threats. It created a intense atmosphere.
Without a doubt the creepiest part for me was the back areas of the facility. It literally looked like every one had just vanished into thin air. That at any moment they'll be back and the place will be up and operational again. But they weren't coming. The rust and the decay indicated that to me. That and over all feeling of isolation, as if your the last living human on the earth, with only a faint AI talking to you over intercoms, almost always delivering threats. It created a intense atmosphere.

Another creepy (actually, more like sorrowful) part is when you are fighting GLaDOS. After you destroy the Curiosity Core, she is wiggiling around, trying to find you. It really makes you feel sorry for her, because you realize she is just a defenseless hard drive hanging from a ceiling.