

Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
Is there a mod or something out there that will improve the crosshair like the one on SoF2 or NOLF - where it tells you what area the bullet will land in. I find the one in CS is obsolutely useless in this regard it guesswork where your shot will land, whereas if the one in NOLF came together and touched in the middle - for example - you knew that's exactly where the shot would end up.

I hear there used to be one for 1.6 but can't seem to find it.
you could make the crosshair smaller in the game options, then it would display a much smaller area in which the bullet woud land anyway ?
Make the crosshair smaller. To my knowledge a shot indicator is illegal. Try using scope weapons, too? (Krieg and Bullpup for rifles.)
i don't want it smaller though. If I'm using a shotgun it would be nice to have a larger crosshair just to remind me: 'this is how shit your accuracy is foo'
for the machine gun the crosshair would off the screen
Do you mean a crosshair that spreads out to show accuracy?
If that's what you're looking for then just type cl_dynamiccrosshair 1 in the console, it works in 1.6 but I'm not sure about Source.

And as for the comment about the Para (Machine Gun), you would be surprised at how much better the gun is in Source. Just today I killed about 5 guys with a couple of quick bursts at medium range.
yep, it's got a much better rate of fire and it seems to have a much tighter burst, it's still random on full auto though.

believe it or not, no one used autosniper back in 1.5 and before... now its like the most common gun :|
I don't think a crosshair that is larger/smaller for diffrent guns would make that much of a diffrence.((Cept morally)
I think it would, as it is now I'm intenseley irritated when a shot doesn't hit when the crosshairs are as small as they can get. I'd like to think that when the crosshair is its smallest then the shot is going to land where I point it at. Doesn't seem much to ask to me.
think of it this way: in real life, do you know where your bullets are gonna go?
Games without crosshairs would be awesome... Like in COD where you had to use the iron sight to work it... But thing is sniper rifles ruin the whole no crosshair thing, because it becomes semi-impossible to hit their perch if you have a assault-rifle or sub.