

May 22, 2003
Reaction score
Im not sure if this has been talked about before, I just noticed and thought it was pretty neat.

If you look at the crosshairs in the video you will notice that it has two bars on the sides. The one to the right decreases as gordons fires his gun so this is probably the ammo left in the clip and the one to the left is almost always full som my guess is that this is the health. The status of these bars only show up when gordon is firing his gun on being shot at though.

Pretty cool that you dont have to take your eyes off the action to check you health and stuff :dozey:
I'd agree with you on the right side part...but I don't know about the left side. If they have the health, the lack of an HEV amount is kinda weird. I dunno. Maybe it's just me.

Well health is more important than armor. You dont die if your armor runs out. Also look at the part where he gets smacked by the big alien, still 93 hp but low armor
the right side is the clips you have left...i suspect

BTW i also wanted to start a thread about this exact thing i noticed :D
Do you mean the left side? Nah its full even when you have like 18 bullets left
I'd say health, he barely loses any and I notice it going down just a tiny bit every now and then.

Speculation is cool :afro:
what about secondary ammo? Like in HL1 where the MP5 had a nade launcher under the barrel?
That the left bar is a health bar is imo very unlikely..why would it show your health only when you fire your weapon ? + there is already a health bar in the lower left corner of the screen (as already mentioned)
I'm on MaTT's side here, that the bar is indicating how much secondary ammo you have left...can't really think of anything else for now.

Originally posted by Skull
That the left bar is a health bar is imo very unlikely..why would it show your health only when you fire your weapon ? + there is already a health bar in the lower left corner of the screen (as already mentioned)
I'm on MaTT's side here, that the bar is indicating how much secondary ammo you have left...can't really think of anything else for now.


Uh, I'm pretty sure it "lights up" when you get shot, as well, which too leads me to thinking it might be a health indicator.
this is old news..i wrote something about this in the early days in this forum and all i got was flames ;)
I would go with the secondary ammo theory, except it would be logical to have the Secondary Ammo displayed on the right hand side, with the primary ammo shown on the left.

If it is health, then it would only need to be shown when your shooting so you can monitor your health during a gun fight. You wouldn't need to view it quickly when running around, because then you would have the time to look in the lower left hand corner.

Its confusing really, Nobody really knows except Valve I expect. Maybe its Crowbar strength before it snaps ;)