Crowbar Confusion

Dec 26, 2006
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The Crowbar.The signature of Half-Life. And it seems other charaters (Barney, Citizens) know about it.

But how? To me it seems that anyone who saw Freeman using it extesivly would be dead in Black Mesa. As the "real" Barney didnt work alongside Freeman he wouldnt know about Freemans Crowbar antics. The other Guards were killed in the nuke. The army problry didnt see his crowbar and if they did they probley died.

The only way I see is the Vorts (useing their mind link) told people afterwards.
:cat: <------Cat
It's a joke. I wouldn't look too much into it.
Barney saw Gordon a few times IIRC. And they associated before the explosion, so for all we know Gordon could have done stuff with crowbars before.
The "dint work together" was talking about after the RC.

Your theroy may be right, but it seems unlikly he would rebember it if Gordon used it before. I don't know.
In Blue Shift(which describes Barney's escape from BM) you see Gordon 3 times, two before the RC, and one after during which he's knocked out. None involve a crowbar.

So unless Barney knew of Gordon's crowbar antics beforehand(like Cheomesh said), the crowbar line in HL2 is probably just a joke.
Don't you also escape with several scientist in the end of BS? Maybe THEY saw you with the crowbar? I know Eli wouldn't have though, as you don't have the crowbar until shortly AFTER he tells you to get to the surface >.>

Perhaps Kleiner?
When survivors of Black Mesa managed to meet after the event, the legend was always told of Gordon Freeman brutally beating Arnold Anderson's headcrabbed skull in with a reinforced crowbar. Whether the truth has been stretched and whether he even used a crowbar has been questioned many a time, but it has become a symbol of the lengths mankind may have to go to to beat off this alien menace. The legend has become so well-known that Barney Calhoun sees it appropriate and slightly comical to provide Gordon Freeman with a crowbar once again to defeat the headcrab zombies and zombie goasts.
People come on. The crowbar thing was just Vlave having funa nd reminding us of HL1. Barney giving Gordon the Crowbar was just a 'lil joke form Valve.
Your sig is far too long. Four lines of standard forum text, or the equivalent of four lines of standard forum text, is the max.
Well what you don't take into account is that Gordon has a t-shirt that reads "BJs for Crowbars".

edit: Why do you think Barney has given him 2 so far? Gordon's obviously good at what he does.
You see, Bluey (the crowbar) is actually made from a sentient supermetal and came to this world through the portals during the Resonance Cascade. The supermetal forms a bond with its master when it is originally acquired, in this case Gordon Freeman. After the end of the Black Mesa incident, intervention from the GMan causes Gordon to lose the crowbar. Sensing that it may become forever stuck in Xen, it launches itself into the nearest collapsing portal and finds its way to Barney Calhoun and implants the suggestion in his mind that Barney must hang onto it for reasons he will come to know in the future.
Years later, Gordon and Bluey are reunited and much fun is had by all. Unfortunately, the GMan goes and throws a wrench in the crowbar's plans and positions itself in the exact right place to land in Barney's path and the mind suggestion technique is performed again.

At the end of Episode One, Gordon, being the idiot that he can be sometimes, puts Bluey down on the train and it is flung free and almost lost in the crash. But being the clever little crowbar that he is, Bluey alters his trajectory and lands himself somewhere that Gordon must pass to proceed.

He's just hoping that he doesn't have to use Barney again to get somewhere in Episode 3, Barney doesn't use him to hit stuff enough :(
You see, Bluey (the crowbar) is actually made from a sentient supermetal and came to this world through the portals during the Resonance Cascade. The supermetal forms a bond with its master when it is originally acquired, in this case Gordon Freeman. After the end of the Black Mesa incident, intervention from the GMan causes Gordon to lose the crowbar. Sensing that it may become forever stuck in Xen, it launches itself into the nearest collapsing portal and finds its way to Barney Calhoun and implants the suggestion in his mind that Barney must hang onto it for reasons he will come to know in the future.
Years later, Gordon and Bluey are reunited and much fun is had by all. Unfortunately, the GMan goes and throws a wrench in the crowbar's plans and positions itself in the exact right place to land in Barney's path and the mind suggestion technique is performed again.

At the end of Episode One, Gordon, being the idiot that he can be sometimes, puts Bluey down on the train and it is flung free and almost lost in the crash. But being the clever little crowbar that he is, Bluey alters his trajectory and lands himself somewhere that Gordon must pass to proceed.

He's just hoping that he doesn't have to use Barney again to get somewhere in Episode 3, Barney doesn't use him to hit stuff enough :(

You are king of the internets.
word of mouth is a powerfull thing, gordons legend far reaches the 4 corners of the earth.
It means people talk, just because people havnt seen gordon using a crowbar to cave zombies heads in doesnt mean they dont know he uses one.
Gordon is well know around the half life world by the resistace and combine alike wich means his escapades are proberbly well talked about, and such so are his tendancy for the crow bar.
Thats how people like barney would know about his little fetish even though they havnt witnessed it with there own eyes.

Is that any clearer for you?
thats not a Crow bar!
THIS is a crow bar
Joe Scientist saw Freeman and Crowbar in HL1, escaped Black Mesa, told everyone when Black Mesa broke its cover in the Portal Storms / 7 Hour War and everyone associated the Crowbar with Freeman. Barney pokes fun at this, and computer gamers everywhere get confused because of their inability to take things at anything less than face value.
Joe Scientist saw Freeman and Crowbar in HL1, escaped Black Mesa, told everyone when Black Mesa broke its cover in the Portal Storms / 7 Hour War and everyone associated the Crowbar with Freeman. Barney pokes fun at this, and computer gamers everywhere get confused because of their inability to take things at anything less than face value.

This is the official truth, but I know what's really true.
Even though it isn't shown in BlueShift I think Gordon and Barney did fight side-by-side at least for a little while. When you team up with Barney in HL2 I believe Barney says something like "Just like old times, eh Gordon!?". This suggests that the two of them at least at one point fought together in BM.
Even though it isn't shown in BlueShift I think Gordon and Barney did fight side-by-side at least for a little while. When you team up with Barney in HL2 I believe Barney says something like "Just like old times, eh Gordon!?". This suggests that the two of them at least at one point fought together in BM.

I think Barney was referring to the fact they they where both fighting for their lives again.