Daddy wants me to pay for my computer

king John I

Oct 3, 2003
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ok, ages ago i e-penised a few people with off with my computer specs but whatever, shut up you jerks. Anyway, its finally here and currently its sitting in my basement, but here the catch, my dad wants me to pay for 60% of that (fine by me) but he wont let me do that until he has time to come to my bank with me. Anyway, i dont think he can do that today and the bank is closed tomorrow and school starts monday, so i dont think i can ever get this stupid computer. Arhh!!!! t3h Gayness!!!!
Relax dude, I'm sure the weekend will end some day. I don't see the point of this thread anyways, are you saying it isn't assembled and you need your dad to assemble it? Please elaborate, this is interesting!
no, i cant GET it until i PAY for it, maybe i should of said how i orderd this thing like 2 months ago and its finally here but i cant use it and that my old computer can barly barly play warcraft 3 with lowest settings. Gayness i tell you! Gayness!
king John I said:
no, i cant GET it until i PAY for it, maybe i should of said how i orderd this thing like 2 months ago and its finally here but i cant use it and that my old computer can barly barly play warcraft 3 with lowest settings. Gayness i tell you! Gayness!

I'll love watching you grow up.
moppe said:
I'll love watching you grow up.

But of course he's mature! God hates fags, yo'!

(In case anyone thinks i'm being serious....NO!)
That doesn't make any sense... so you have it but you can't use it...

Seriously... go spank your dad or something...
So you're saying he won't let you play with it even tho it is assembled? Sounds like he is just being lazy and doesn't want to set up your OS. Offer to do it yourself!
JFry said:
So you're saying he won't let you play with it even tho it is assembled? Sounds like he is just being lazy and doesn't want to set up your OS. Offer to do it yourself!

Um, its 100% ready, his dad just won't let him use it untill he pays for it, and he has to come with him to the bank, but his dad can't go untill nextweek.
Tell your dad to compromise... Let you play it now, and if you don't pay him next week as promised he may take it away. Wonder whats happened that he doesn't trust you enough to go ahead and let you play it.
Ah ok in this case my advice is to disobey your father; he is being unreasonable... unless you are being punished for something.
king John I said:
Gayness i tell you! Gayness!

surely you could find a less insulting word to illustrate your displeasure than "gayness"... c'mon, grow up.
Why dont you just say : I have the money to pay for it but since your cant be bothered to go to the bank let me use it until you can be bothered?
Fat Tony! said:
Why dont you just say : I have the money to pay for it but since your cant be bothered to go to the bank let me use it until you can be bothered?
Cause parents know kids, and kids end up not wanting to pay once they've got it.

I've had to pay for every machine, work in stupid jobs like painting flats and stuff to get my computers. Don't bitch becuase you can't play something right now, wait. You don't know how priviledged you are to be able to own a computer.

It's not a right.
Thats right, you have to work for your money to buy things.
king John I said:
no, i cant GET it until i PAY for it, maybe i should of said how i orderd this thing like 2 months ago and its finally here but i cant use it and that my old computer can barly barly play warcraft 3 with lowest settings. Gayness i tell you! Gayness!

Yes I agree...this entire situation is homosexual...... :p
I should give your dad 60% of the cost of the pc and take it for myself, to piss you off.
Wow, some of you being rude enough? (Come off the 'gay' thing.l.. you get what he means. And he's not even whining about the fact that he does have to pay. Maybe you guys need to 'grow up'.)

I can see how it would suck to have something you really want, but not be able to use it for at least a couple days... but then have to worry about school as well. :p
Letters is right. :p

I do sympathsize with the thread author, but my only comments were his over-dosing of "gay". Say "bad" instead. :p
You will feel better playing it once your money is gone....:O

Well...Maybe you wont, but I have my computer :D I was fortunate to get a no interest loan from my parents, which by the way I have mostly paid back as fast as I am practically able.
Letters is right by the way...He really is just annoyed at the fact he cannot play on the computer he has sitting there...When there are no reason for him not to be able to, other than his dad wanting to guarantee payment (Which is fair enough, but still annoying none the less)
Consider yourself lucky, i have to pay for 100% of my computers/upgrades and im 13, but my dad gives me alot of work, right now i have a 50 on my computer desk (i have my own computer) 8 in my wallet 300(i think) in the bank, and with work and getting money for Christmas il have 500 by christmas to get radeons new card. After Cristmas radeons coming out with a new card and the x800 all versions will be half the price.

I did all the math and found out if i didnt spend any of my savings, i would have $2700, but i would not have, my computer, paintball gun, airsoft gun, PS2, alot of my pc games, and some of the stuff in my aquarium
Heh, talking about money and stuff. I just started my job two days ago. My parents won't let me borrow any money from them to buy anything. If I ever want to buy stuff I have to use my own money. So now I'm saving my paychecks to build of a beast of a computer around christmas time.
I've been modding my computer with my own money since I was 13...I am now 17.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Letters is right by the way...He really is just annoyed at the fact he cannot play on the computer he has sitting there...When there are no reason for him not to be able to, other than his dad wanting to guarantee payment (Which is fair enough, but still annoying none the less)

There is nothing wrong with being anxious. I'm sure most people here would feel the same way in his shoes, but does he really need start a thread about it? It's utterly pointless. He might as well have named it "Come here to continue flaming me"
I pay for all upgrades too and I only get payed $160 a fortnight. Take $60 for room+Food. Then $14 for 2 bus tickets.

Then due to the economy a new radeon x800xt doesn't cost $500 but $800 argh.