Denver International Airport


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
ZT posted about this on facebook, but not on here because he doesn't like to share cool things with us.

An apocalyptic horse with glowing red eyes welcoming visitors? Check.
Nightmarish murals? Check.
Strange words and symbols embedded in the floor? Check.
Gargoyles sitting in suitcases? Check.
Runways shaped like a Nazi swastika? Check.

The airport was built in 1995 on 34,000 acres. Its construction forced the Stapleton International airport to shut down, although it used more gates and runways than the DIA. The initial cost of construction was 1.7 billion $ but the final project elevated the bill to 4.8 billion: 3.1 BILLION $ over budget. Numerous irregularities have been reported regarding the construction of the site:
  • Different contractors have been hired for different parts of the airport. They’ve all been fired after their job was done. This lead observers to believe that it was a strategy to make sure nobody had the full scope of the project.
  • 110 million cubic yards of earth have been moved, way more than usually required. This arose suspicion of construction taking place underground.
  • 5300 miles of fiber optics were installed for communications (USA coast to coast is 3000 miles in comparison).
  • Fueling system that can pump 1000 gallons of jet fuel per minute. This amount is totally absurd for a commercial airport.
  • Granite imported from all over the world even if the project was already grossly over budget.
  • Construction of a huge tunnel system (trucks can circulate in them) and underground trains. Most of those aren’t used at the moment.
Some of the Art on display at this Airport.



And why may I ask is art on display at an airport?
That's one ludicrous airport.

I'd prefer an article from the viewpoint of someone other than a conspiracy theorist though. That dude is obsessed with gas attacks, GM, the elites and more gas attacks.
Just read that article, and now I feel physically ill. Thanks, just the way to start out the day.

That place is one big pile of WTF, even more so than the creationist museum, and that's saying something.
Uh, you know thats the exact same article I posted right? Just on a different site.

Oh... no. I didn't. Woops. Sorry I didn't read your article.

Boy am I red faced!
I was just at Denver International last month and am sad that I was too tired to notice any of this stuff.
You all already know what I'm going to say about this airport.
I was sure kathaksung would have contributed to this thread by this point.
The US government, after creating the 2011 Japanese earthquake in a plot to eliminate kathaksung (he actually claimed this), finally came up with the idea to track his IP-adress.
