Detonators 51.75: Dont get your hopes up


Jul 10, 2003
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The Detonator 51.75 drivers loses even more details over the 45.33 drivers. Especially note how the green on the foreground landrover is darker than the other two shots. Now, these drivers are beta, and not available to the public, so let's hope by the time they're released, the lowered image quality won't be in them. Because frankly, I'm just shocked how much better the Radeon 9800 Pro looks over the new Detonator 50 drivers on a GeForce FX 5600 Ultra, and any self-respecting gamer will choose the image quality on the Radeon 9800 Pro anyday. The amount of visual quality loss is not worth the, on average, 2-3fps that are shown to have been gained with these drivers in AquaMark 3.

Now, im sure most of you have read Gabes recent comments regarding the detonator 51.75s, and Nvidia's offical response but I really do have to say, having seen this first hand it confirms to both myself and Veridian that the new detonators are far from a high quality IQ set. Alot of negative publicity is currently surrounding Nvidia, and here at driverheaven we like to remain as impartial and open minded as we possibly can, but after reading all the articles recently such as here coming from good sources and experiencing this ourselves first hand, I can no longer recommend an nvidia card to anyone. Ill be speaking with nvidia about this over the coming days and if I can make anything public I will.

This is just bad... Very bad... Even I am dissapointed, and I aint got a Nvidia card.
none of those links works for me :o

<edit: now both work.. weird>
They didnt work a while (damn url got the ... in the link :)), I updated them, now they should work...
Seems like things keep getting better for nvidia..........

When are they gonna learn that people arent stupid.

And they magically wont notice IQ loss......and double the fps/score of a previous driver.

It still makes me luagh when an nvidia fanboys says they make better drivers....
Yeah... I think Nvidia testers just stands 10 meters from the screen and say "Hey, its basicly the same, time for release!". The difference is HUGE. I mean, look at that driver heaven images. The 51 driver is clearly more blurry and less detailed, in every single area... As people notice, it seems to be the same type as the 3Dmark "optimisations" that shoot FX score through the roof.
I can understand why Valve doesnt want to benchmark with it.
Originally posted by dawdler

I can understand why Valve doesnt want to benchmark with it.

That was my first thought when I read those articles.

It has ABSOLUTLY NOTHING to do with busniess deals with ATI.
This is really terrible... How could you keep on messing up like this? Nvidia gets deeper and deeper in shit every day.
ATI's technichans now what they're doing.. sorry that i cant say the same about the boys who configured the 5900Ultra correctly without any big DirectX 9.0 support....
Heres the thing that strikes me, why would doom3 and other dx9 games run good on a fx5900 but not in hl2. Im like really shocked and pissed off cuz of all the bad news poor nvidia cards have gotten. im about to break my 5900u if these frames come out when im playing on my hl2:o. im praying something weird happens and i can play with numbers such as the ones the 9800 put up.
doom3 is not a DX9 game, it's openGl. If it was DX9 it would suck on nvidia cards just as much as HL2 does.
in fact, it does suck as much as other DX 9 games

while Doom 3 is not DX 9, it does use high level shaders, in fact, using the pixel shader 2.0 standard

during development of Doom 3, they found it necessary to write a special codepath for nvidia cards that used partial precision and even below partial color precision (16bit color precision and 12bit integer color precision) so while it does play faster on nvidia cards, it looks far better on radeons
this is all bs. Its gonna piss off a lot of nvidia users. Me being 1. wtf
wow, I had no idea that this went beyond DX9 for Nvidia, I thought that the new Nvidia cards were more suited towards OpenGl, while ATI's new cards were better for DX9. Guess I was wrong.
Originally posted by qckbeam
wow, I had no idea that this went beyond DX9 for Nvidia, I thought that the new Nvidia cards were more suited towards OpenGl, while ATI's new cards were better for DX9. Guess I was wrong.

Avatar stealer!
Go nVidia! I'm so lucky that I got my 9500 pro instead, almost bought a fx 5600.
Originally posted by KaoS87
too bad nvidia owns ati in opengl :\

too bad Nvidia owns Ati in opengl only to get triple owned in the HL2 benchmarks..

i wouldn't be surprised if Ati cards did well with Doom3 as well even tho theres speculation about Doom3 now being Nvidia's game to master and HL2 being Ati's to master..

anyway Ati for me, because im a much bigger HL series fan over Doom3 :P
not so, Doom 3 is openGL and they had to create a special codepath for it so it could render high level shaders in Doom 3 at a reasonable frame rate, lowering the color precision to 16bit and even 12bit integer in some places, the difference here is that it doesn't come with all the other DX 9 features that the FX series is having trouble in, so they were able to some decent FPS gains by doing that, unlike HL2, which is fully DX 9
Originally posted by dawdler
Unreal Tournament 2k3 OpenGL, Asbestos 4xFSAA/8xAF high quality, 1024x768:
9800 Pro: 131 fps
9700 Pro: 115 fps
5900: 56 fps
G4Ti4800: 36 fps

Besides once DX 9 gets established no game studio is going to use opengl it'll be used exclusively by high end 3d packages.
DX 9 is the new standard
its hilarious how many retards love ati and hate nvidia. Put your self in my shoes and you'll understand why im pissed off. I bought this card expecting the best for upcoming games. Now, my hopes are crushed and it sucks really really bad. Id love to return the card but its too late.
Good thing I didn't get those yet. I got those August 13th ones. Which means they didn't update yet.