

Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
Created this story last december. Enjoy!

Detour by: sup2069

"I'll never make it!" He cried outloud in the car as he floored the accelerator and hit "70 MPH". Exhaling the smoke of his cigerette out the window, he turned on the radio. He listened to the classical station as he peered up and passed the sign that read "Los Vegas 60 Miles". Dodging cars and finally succumbing to the conjested traffic, he turned on the AC. Dabbing his fresh cigerette out, he then rolled up the windows. The cool air was immediatly felt by the man in the face as he loosened the tie around his thick neck. Breathing in the fresh smell of a new car, he smiled as he reached over and fumbled with his briefcase on the floor. Flipping through inside again, he relaxed alitted as he listened for both latches to click and then re-scrambled the numbers on both locks. Slipping it back underneath the passenger seat he began to sweat again.

Taking out a hanger chief he dabbed the pool of sweat coming down his face. Inching foward in traffic was not the only thing agitating him, he knew he had to find another route. Turning on a dash display directly underneath the radio, he pressed a button labeled "GPS" which stands for Global Positioning System. Instantly the screen turned on, as a pale bluish-green glow lit up the inside of the car. The screen zoomed in to show a strobing green light on a black line. Knowning that he was the strobing green dot and the black line was the highway he was currently on, he pressed a few more buttons and a blue line dotted off the current line onto another one off screen. Using the nav screen as his guide, he exited the freeway and took a long detour. Switching to his bright lights, the almost vacant backroad was pitchblack. Glancing at his watch he pressed on.

Five miles later he noticed a bright but faint object up ahead. Closer and closer he neared as the object turned out to be a woman in a red skirt. As he neared he could see that she had brunette hair that was long, but short and curly. The bright lights attracted her attention as she looked backed and stopped. She held her arm out and stuck her thumb up.

His eyebrow lifted up in interest as he slowly pulled up alongside of her. Rolling down the passenger side window and turning off the radio, he asked her where she was headed. "Los Vegas" he heard her respond. Hesitent for a moment he thought for a second then replied. "Need a lift?" "Sure thing," she acknowledged. Reaching over to open the door he came up short. He heard her lift the handle but nothing happened. Fumbling with the master control panel on his door he heard the click and then signaled to her. She slowly opened the door and sat down mannerly like while sitting her purse in her lap. While the car door was open he got a good look at her face. Her green eyes lit up by the cars interior lights, seemed to sparkle like the densly packed stars in a warmth summers night. Her face was that of a supermodel, alluring. Her hair, at a closer quick glimpse, seemed as remarkable as her face. Her dark hair, shimmering in the light, left a faint rosy sheen that made him stare hard. Closing the door, she buckled her seatbelt and settled in.

Slowly accelerating he picked up the pace again. WIth both hands on the steering wheel, he began to lightly beat his thumbs. Trying to think of a way to break the quietness he cleared his throat.

"My name is Gary, nice to meet you," he said to her with a smile.

"My name is Sara, the pleasure is mine," She smiled back, repositioning her body in way for a conversation.

"So um, you live in "Vegas"?" he asked apprehensively while glancing her way. She crossed her legs and layed her arm on the divider armrest.

"No," she spoke. Waiting for further conversation Gary waited. When he noticed she was finished, he pressed on.

"Car broke down?"he questioned rather inquiringly. To his surprise she responded immediatly.

"No, my boyfriend Robert and I were headed to "Vegas"," Sara calmly explained. "We got into an argument on which hotel we were going to stay at, so he kicked me out and told me to walk." A tear glimmered in the glowing light of the GPS screen. He took notice and apologized patting her hand. She turned her head and smiled but her eyes where now filled with pain as another tear trickled down her face. She reached in her small purse and pulled out what appeared to be a white tissue. Dabing her eyes, she looked around for a trashbag of some kind.

"Oh ill take it," he offered with his hand out graciously. Pulling out a small compartment underneath the ashtray and GPS display, he gently dropped the napkin in and closed it back up.

"Oh you smoke?" She questioned glancing at his half-smoked cigerette. Getting the hint he offered her one and she nodded her head slightly, with a warm smile. He pulled over on the side of the road once again and reached for the glove compartment. He came up short, he noticed his seatbelt was restricting his reach. Seeing this she opened the glove compartment for him. The small light shined inside revealing a pack of Camel cigerettes. She then noticed photos of a woman inside. Quickly picking up the pack and handing them to him, she closed the glove compartment and sat back. Fumbling he pulled two cigerettes out, and placed the pack in a dish. He offered her a light and acclerated again.

Cracking a window she blew out smoke and tapped the ashes in the ash tray. Suddenly she asked.

"Say is that a GPS system you have there?" She questioned with interest.

"Why yes it is," Gary responded "You know alot about the GPS?"

"Not much" Sara replied. " All I know is that they can track your positions and guide you around the globe."

"Well your correct on that part," He smiled. "But mine version of the GPS is slightly upgraded." He added with a grin. Taking one hand off the wheel he pressed a button and a blue screen appeared that said in bold at the top."GPS Menu" Pressing a few more buttons the blue screen went away and returned to a now updated GPS map. The green strobing light remained as the thin black straight line, but to adjacent roads 80 miles back and 40 miles ahead where dotted orange.

"What are those?" She questioned. Moving closer to the screen.

"Those are real cars the GPS is showing in real time!" He announced very enthusiastically.

"Wow thats cool." She said, but not really sounding interested. She sat back and recrossed her legs looking onward.

"Wait a minute," She heard him say "Whats this car doing here?"

"What?" She blurted out with smoke exhaling with great force out from her mouth. He looked at her as if she must be really surprised. Navigating to the blue menu again he pressed a button which took him back. But now the screen had zoomed in even further taking the highways offscreen. Glancing up at the road and down on the screen, he and Sara watched as a lone orange dot became bigger. It was not on the road but it was near.

"Is that a car?" She questioned looking directly at him for the answers. He said nothing and pressed one last button and numbers popped up.

"Its 8 miles from our current position," He informed her. "I wonder if the person ran off the road and needs medical attention?" He wondered. "I'll notify the police" He began to reach for his moble phone attached to the car armrest.

"Wait!" Sara exclaimed grabbing his wrist. "Dont you think we should not involve the police? I think we should see if its an actual crash or an abondoned car first." She advised him.

"Good thinking," He agreed, feeling her hand leave his thick wrist. Looking over at her face he could tell she was worried. That warm-coated smile now gone, her lips now slightly quivering. Thinking for a minute his face turned to concern.

"Wait a second, It's probably my boyfriend waiting for me!" She exclaimed sitting forward suddenly while looking at the screen again as if to see him looking back.

"Thats great," Gary encouraged. "It could be him, but I doubt it". Glancing at the the monitor, the distance meter now read "4 miles". "Do you think he would wait for you to walk 30 miles to him when he could of droven back for you?" He questioned looking at her. Feeling defeated she crossed her arms and slouched back while looking out the pitch black window.

"Im sorry," Gary apologized to her while noticing tears roll down her now glossy face again. She turned and stared out the front window.. "I just thought-" he paused and quickly reformed the sentence. "Your right, it must be him!" He tried to encourage.

"Thanks," Sara smiled again. Her face now cheery once again" She reached for her purse to pull out a tissue when.

"Beep-beep," The GPS speaker awakened. Lowering her head quickly to the monitor, the distance meter flashed the number "0" repeadedly.

"There it is," he alerted her, pointing ahead with a finger, slowing down to a crawl 50 feet behind the vehicle. It was off the road at a angle suggesting that the driver had ran off.

"ROBERT!" Sara bellowed out with a scream. Opening the door and jumping up, her purse flying up out of her lap and landed ontop of the dashboard. "Robert!" She kept screaming running all way to the driverside window. Gary now feeling something was wrong, lifted up the phone to call "911".


"What?" He screamed, "I paid all this money for this baby and the phone doesnt work?" He quickly dismissed the idea and pulled out his cell phone. He managed 9-1...

"GARY! GARY! hes hurt" She shouted out to him while running to him. Fumbling with his phone, he dropped it under his legs.

"God damnit," He swore as he opened the door and tried to get out. He was restrained immeadiatly. Realizing his seatbealt again he unbuckled it and steped out. The warm humid air greeted him as Sara had made it to him with tears streaming down her face.

"Hurry hes dieing!" She cryed holding her hands to her face in shock.

"Stay here! Call "911" with my cell phone underneath my seat!" He commanded, his heartbeat began to speed up as adrenaline released in his body.

Reaching the car moments latter, he tried to peer inside the car. His car lights were on full and he could hardly see in. Cupping his hands around his face he could see in.

Nobody was inside...

The moment he came to that conclusion he heard a shattering sound right behind him. Turning around, his eyes went wide.

Standing with her back to the blinding light Sara weilded a pistol. For a moment he stared. Looking down he noticed his cell phone in pieces. He broke the silence.

"So you disabled my phone inside the car," He confronted her with anger in his voice.

"Correct-o-mundo!" She exclaimed clapping her hands. Stopping, she lifted up her skirt revealing a pair of minature operating scissors, strapped to her left leg.

"So I take you know something about cars," He spoke again.

"You are...correct again!" She clapped again almost enjoying it all. Her voice no longer calm and caring like before, but now provocative.

"And I bet your name isnt Sara," He once again spoke.

"You know we could go on all night with these questions its time to end this pleasantry." She snarled. "Walk!" She demanded, waving her gun upahead. Unsure of what she would do he walked. He heard keys move about as he walked on about 20 meters from his last position. "Stop!" He heard her yell. He stopped and dared not to turn around. With his back towards her, he heard the car door open up and the engine starting up." Now walk back to your car!" She barked stepping back to make him walk first. Gary complied and walked slowly back towards his car. The 30 meters felt like the walk death. He legs trembled as he began to feel weak. Moments latter he was back at the driver door, but Sara was now on the passenger side holding the gun over the roof.

"Get in," She rumbled. Her face clearly seen now, contorted with anger. Sliding in slowly as if to not startle her in any way, he felt his butt make contact with the seat. He turned his head to see a silenced gun pointed at his head. "Drive over there," She pointed with her free hand away from the running car and the road.

After about 100meters of driving she made him stop the car.

"Put the car in neutral," she commanded. "Now put your hands on the ceiling of the car." He did as she instructed and put the car in neutral then put his hands on the ceiling. She slowly climbed out walked around to the drivers side and fired. The bullet penetrated Gary's celebrelum, killing him instanstly.

She walked around to the passenger side and picked up her purse. She then paused while leaning, smiled and picked up the briefcase. Pulling out her cell phone she dialed a number. The phone rang one time and picked up.

"Its completed," She informed the anonymous receiver.

"Yes sir," she replied "It was right were you said it would be."

"Yes sir," she replied closing the cell phone and placing it back in her purse. Turning the car off, she carried the briefcase back to her running car, got in and sped off.
Oh crap, I think I posted this here before. But I think the mods deleted it for not being related to HL2. Oh well ill repost in offtopic if its gone.

Yea im a bit late on reading the rules :angel: