Did the satellite in EP2 have anything to do with the one we launched in HL1?

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Did the satellite in EP2 have anything to do with the one we launched in HL1?

Wikipedia seems to think so. Do you?
Yes... because Alyx mentioned that the one Dr. Magnusson created would uplink with the Array set up back in BM, and since BM is a giant crater....
Yeah, it does; Alyx confirms it within the first couple minutes of the game.
The commentary specificaly says that the same satelite we used to open the HL1 portal is "repurposed" to close the Combine's superportal.
"[english]ep_02.kl_silo_devised02" "<clr:255,255,200>magnusson designed a xenium resonator that once in orbital range will activate the old array and effectively turn it into a shield." the explanation has been cut. sorry if my English is bad

Edit: this was also there
"ep_02.eli_silo_barrier" "<clr:255,208,172>A barrier around the planet."
"ep_02.eli_silo_believe" "<clr:255,208,172>believe it or not gordon, it's been in place since you sent up the final satellite from black Mesa."
How'd they get the rocket back?

I haven't actually played ep. 2, just watched my dad and brother play it (they suck).
They found another one, and just used it to tap into the array already in orbit.
I'm guessing that the rocket is an old Soviet ICBM that the rebels found abandoned when they first took White Forest. Magnusson repaired it and fitted it with a "Xenian Resonator" warhead.

The HL1 satellite was still orbitting the Earth, dormant, until the rocket was launched.
wow, I am craving for the day we see a scene which clearly proves that the satellite we launched in hl1 caused the portal storms and etc. I mean, we know it is true but I would want some "cut scene" conformation of some sort..

Satellite. Satellite.

And no it didn't.
Yeah, that site is the only place where "the HL1 satellite is what attracted the Combine" theory is even mentioned. I find it kind of funny that its role in Episode Two turns out to be the exact opposite...

I'll agree with an idea mentioned in another topic, which is to make a sticky warning against taking anything on that site seriously. It's the source of so much misinformation...
BTW, I just played through the final chapter of the game in commentary mode, and I found the node that talks about the satellite. I found it strange that it says that the purpose of the HL1 satellite was to "open a portal to Xen." Is this a slip-up on Valve's part? Because it's pretty established that the BM scientists in HL1 had already been to Xen before that satellite was launched, and it's implied that its purpose was to close the portals being opened between Xen and Earth(much like its closing of the superportal in Ep. 2), not open them...