Dilemas... meh... .|.


Sep 9, 2003
Reaction score
I've never ****ing done this before, and don't expect me to do it again. It's not to take your advice, it's to simply take some opinions. Actually, all this is so I am "Munro Slave" title rank when my rank system is voted up :D :D

There's this person that I know, that if I ask her, I have a 99.999% chance I can get her to begin a solid relationship with me. It's a she, and she's not bad looking either (AMAZING!!). But the thing is, I don't like her especially. And that bothers me. The simple thought I am considering using someone else for the express purpose of raising my self-esteem and general status quo at a school I hate everyone (but a few selected) is despicable to me.

The thing is she's an ex-anorexic and she's said a number of times I'm the only person she likes at school (she came from out of town...). Her self-esteem is a bit down, she's said she still has suicidal tendencies... she's totally ****ed up, diseases like ashma and trembling (brain shit) just like me, except she's hawt.

The simple facts I got to look into my brain for her made me tremble. I just felt like I should get her... oooh, ze evilnes..

I understand if most people here are immoral son of bitches who can't understand what's really bothering me (**** HER!!!) so, hey, if you've got nothing good to say, don't say it at all.
Well it's this simple...if you don't feel like it would work out between you or you just don't like her...then don't date her! :|

Screw "coolness" or status quo...all that kiddie school bullshit.

If you feel the opposite and you truely like her for what she is...then get'er done! :D
Tr0n said:
Well it's this simple...if you don't feel like it would work out between you or you just don't like her...then don't date her! :|

Screw "coolness" or status quo...all that kiddie school bullshit.

If you feel the opposite and you truely like her for what she is...then get'er done! :D

I've never had an actual girlfriend so I want to use her as 1st try :(
From the sounds of it, you do like her...in a peculiar sort of way. More than just a means to an end at least, and more than you suggest with your post.

But what do I know.
Sprafa said:
I've never had an actual girlfriend so I want to use her as 1st try :(
Well then go for it dude...don't think of it as "omg I'm using her for bad ways" or anything like that.

If it would be your first gf...then you could use the practice.

Just remember.....Fortune favors the brave.
...and there will always be more women. Personally I don't like the idea of getting into relationships for practice, but thats not for moral reasons and I can see the benefits. But I just can't handle the cons particularly well.
Like Farrow said, it seems you like her in a way, and you feel alot of pity and she seems to be in a bad position. You think of her best and that's a sign you really like her.

Personally, I think that you should consider going for her if it'd be the best for both of you. But if you really can't imagine getting into a relationship with her, just stay as her friend.
Well, if she's "hot" and you do feel something for her, than go for it. It's not like you don't like her. But if you feel you are just using her, than don't do it.
She sounds terrible. Be her friend to destroy her suicidal tendencies, and find a woman worth having :thumbs:
LittleB said:
She sounds terrible. Be her friend to destroy her suicidal tendencies, and find a woman worth having :thumbs:

:thumbs: Sounds like a plan...
Yeah don't mess around with people's feelings. If you don't like her - dont pretend and hurt her. Just be her friend.
Well in the end you will become a better person from the experience and so will she, those are the positives.
The negatives is that it's immoral but what is moral? Just go for it and have a fun relationship instead of a serious one and basically keep making out your a crap boyfriend after a while take her out to really shit places and bore her with computer games and how you love to hax0r people!!111 :p. However you only need to do that if you still feel the way you do now, you will probably enjoy the experience for quite a while but it's destined to go down the drain
Relationships don't work if you don't enjoy her company. Not for long. Don't put her through that.

But reading between the lines, like Farrow said, it sounds like you have more than a passing interest in this girl; it sounds like you have a lot in common.
Hate to say it Sprafa but chances are this chick is using you just to help herself feel better about...well...herself (f*cking wish i could phrase a proper sentence...properly....F*CK IT).

My lil bro's got the same dilemma. Same type of girl too. Really pretty, claims that he's the nicest guy around and her only real friend. Also her life is ****ed up, brother deals drugs, parents "hate" her, so on and so forth. Only talks to him when she has troubles (which seems to be all the time lately).

I wouldn't trust the girl one bit. If you wanna go out with her, fine, but she'll drop you the moment her life starts to turn around.
I have a very similar problem. Same setup with a really cute girl, except she's very...into having one sided conversation. It might not sound so bad but trust me it's terriable. Let me give you a normal scenario:
"hey whats up you (me)"
"not to much, my mom died yesterday"
"oh i know right? I have a mom too, its so crazy she makes breakfast for me and this one time i was sick, she drove me to the doctor's office"
"...what...are you serious with that?"

Of course that may be slightly exaggerated but thats very very normal. She never really asks me aything about myself, she just wants to talk about her. But she's so damn cute.

For you though, i would say give it a try, if shes not annoying you can develop feelings for people. Besides, this isnt college or later, the odds are this relationship delevoping into your permanent one are definitly against you, so just have fun.
Sprafa said:
I understand if most people here are immoral son of bitches who can't understand what's really bothering me (**** HER!!!) so, hey, if you've got nothing good to say, don't say it at all.
Yes there are times when i'm trawling through gigabytes of porn going almost insane for turning down perfectly doable girls who actually wanted me...

yes there are times...there are times you just have to listen to whats in your pants. If the power within the pants holds sway over your mental judgement go for her.

I'm eternally struggling between power within pants and mind power.
Don't take this the wrong way.....

But I think you should throw it in sideways.
Sprafa said:
I understand if most people here are immoral son of bitches who can't understand what's really bothering me (**** HER!!!) so, hey, if you've got nothing good to say, don't say it at all.

I Wish I got your problem. :(