Direct Feeds


May 24, 2003
Reaction score
I just watched the Halo 2 e3 direct feed video that Bungie put out yesterday and I was wondering why Valve isn't doing the same thing. I had seen a cam video of the Halo 2 footage weeks ago but it's compleatly different and around a thousand times better as a direct feed.

Granted the gamespy cam video for HL2 is pretty good (it should be at 600 megs), but you can see that the color is bad in a lot of places and the sound quality is actually pretty bad IMO. I think direct sound would actually be a more welcome improvement then better video (the cam wasn't bad in most places) especially as you wouldn't hear the audience.

I know they want to focus on putting the game out and not making stuff for us to look out but I cannot imagine that it would be that diffucult or time consumeing.

I can't imagine why Valve wouldn't want to take the time to show us how cool the game really is when they already have all the demos and everything.

I think they want to have some suprises up thier sleeves for when the game comes out. wich would also be a reasen off the old build screenshot's
didn't they mention something about a direct feed coming out sometime in the future?
I'm just talking about releaseing a video of what we saw at e3 from gamespy's 600 MB video that isn't on a camera.

maby it looks bad if it isnt on camera ^^
i think that's what valve was talking about, they were gonna release the 600 meg thing on direct feed.

maybe i imagined that...
you kidding man?

the audience is the best part!

I got all different versions just for the audience...

the best audience IMO is the one in the gamespy movies... it laughs exactly on cues. I would have never noticed the detail in background of water scene if it wasnt for gabe telling them "this won't run on your 486", I wouldn't notice the g-man straightening his tie a-la entire HL1, etc. etc.

Not to mention gabe changed his speech from movie to movie, adding bits like, "the combine is a giant fortress, digging its way through city 17".

Or mentioning the booby traps set by that monk friend.

Most of all, I cant believe im making a post about this bullshit.
I've got a e-mail from Gabe and he said that they would put out direct feeds soon so we would get rid off the blurry pictures and crappy sound...
I'm all for getting my hands on the source video with high quality graphics and sound, but I really do love the commentary and audience feedback. They should make it like a DVD with an alternate commentary track by Gabe. That would be cool. It's possible in AVI to have multiple audio tracks, right? How about Quicktime?
Gabe is really good with his fans isnt he ?, most producers dont get involved with thier fans *cough*ea*cough*, i'm glad valve has someone like Gabe
he seems to be great guy...I didn't anywere near expect to get the reply so soon...he replied almost imidiately.
I never got a reply to my questions :(

maby its the wrong e-mail adress.. can you guys give me the correct one?
Heh, companies NEED to start interacting with their fans these days. Developers who are so arrogant enough to presume exactly what buyers want rarely put out a good game. (Someone already mentioned EA. ;))
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
I've got a e-mail from Gabe and he said that they would put out direct feeds soon so we would get rid off the blurry pictures and crappy sound...

Hey do you know Gabe personally??
Originally posted by dafreakman
Hey do you know Gabe personally??


lol...tecnically I should probably say that I got a response from him...since otherwise it could sound like he just send me an e-mail with heads up as a personal favour....I'm guessing this is what you misunderstood... ;)
PriNcE oF SpAcE was being sarcastic people... geez. is it really that hard to understand sarcasm???
LPC will claim he was being sarcastic, probably :p
Originally posted by LPC
PriNcE oF SpAcE was being sarcastic people... geez. is it really that hard to understand sarcasm???

Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
uhm...I wasn't being sarcastic...

You guys just made me laugh! :D
Gabe hasn't replied to me, I email him yesturday....and he still hasn't mailed back yet :( was about the SDK, so I doubt he cares about a freeloader....:(
/me breaks down in tears....
*Mullinator gives Mr.Badger some delicious Badger food to comfort him*
They are probably starting to get bogged down from so many people catching on to HL2 and starting to e-mail him.