DL Torrents

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Kula Meenur

Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
Heya, dunno if Hardware and Software is really the place to set this thread down in but anywho i have a Q for you Hl2! ....(.net)

Do you use a dling torrent for music and videos? If so, what one? What would you recommend?
Depends on what you download. I use utorrent and used to use bitlord

Well, if it was what he said he was downloading ;)

I'm just saying, in case of thread lock.
Well, if it was what he said he was downloading ;)

I'm just saying, in case of thread lock.

Hey he could be downloading classical music and copyright-free video.
Or maybe he is downloading the latest OpenOffice, I've heard that it has a rockin' sound track.
He'll probably use it to download other torrent clients, raising a giant Torrent imperium!
I use Azureus. I might give uTorrent a try one of these days.
uTorrent is perfect.

I'd go to any length to spite the record industry and DRM.
As of note, uTorrent has signed up with some copy protection agencies to allow them to monitor traffic.

I only heard this somewhere, but you should research it. Doesn't stop me from using uTorrent, though.
uTorrent is the shizzle.
I use Azureus to legally download unliscensed anime.
Azureus + Peerguardian 2 + Private Trackers

This thread is only open because I know that none of you would dare download something illegally and you're just talking about using p2p to distribute open source projects and the like.
Azureus + Peerguardian 2 + Private Trackers

This thread is only open because I know that none of you would dare download something illegally and you're just talking about using p2p to distribute open source projects and the like.

And yet you mention Peerguardian which is somewhat of a contradiction to what you're saying. I know they (Peerguardian) don't condone illegal activity but that's mostly what it's used for. ;)
And to help all the needy children in Africa.
I use Azureus to legally download unliscensed anime.
This, but uTorrent, and also other unlicensed (in Britain) TV shows. I do also download House, Greys Anatomy etc, because we can't get sky in this house so I have no way of legally watching it.
I don't pirate applications online in anyway,but if I did I would use Utorrent and demonoid
i use bitlord and pirate bay
peerguardian2 isnt compatible with vista, any similar programs?
And yet you mention Peerguardian which is somewhat of a contradiction to what you're saying. I know they (Peerguardian) don't condone illegal activity but that's mostly what it's used for. ;)

You can never be too safe in this world of internet chaos.

Let me caution all of you, this thread should probably be closed but I'm keeping it open; however, if you openly admit to software piracy I will be forced to ban you.

but I shall be trying uTorrent after seeing all of the recommendations
You can never be too safe in this world of internet chaos.

Let me caution all of you, this thread should probably be closed but I'm keeping it open; however, if you openly admit to software piracy I will be forced to ban you.

What about admitting to good 'ole swashbuckling piracy?

I was using uTorrent to find some songs by Seryoga
I got one result
uTorrent is no longer on my PC.
Not entirely, I just typed the name into the search bar and clicked search
I was using uTorrent to find some songs by Seryoga
I got one result
uTorrent is no longer on my PC.

uTorrent isn't connected to any particular network or search utility, it's just a BT client from which to download/seed files. It's particularly nice because it's a very clean, lightweight and easy to use. Keep in mind that you won't have much luck at all behind any modern router unless you have ports properly forwarded and a static IP setup.
I was highly tempted to admit to pirating things, but I don't. Honest.

Anyway, uTorrent.
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