Do you think it's fair...

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DR Dent

Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
That you should be able to crack steam & get free game's or not?

In my opinion yes. I don't want to give a reason why?
Yes it's totally fair that you can get a product that people worked on for months, maybe years, without fulfilling the simple requirement they set to acquire it.
No, it's not fair at all. It's stealing what Valve have put a huge amount of effort into.
Just because it's your opinion doesn't mean it's right, and I'm sure most people would agree with me that pirating software from a company that puts massive amounts of time, money and effort into making their products great is not morally acceptable at all.
Be sure to pick up a complimentary candy from the reception's jar on your way out of these premises, thank you. :hmph:
I don't want to give a reason why?

I'm confused, is that a question or a statement?

Lets get hypothetical. You are a roofer and you go to this house, proceed rip off the old roof and put on a new one. The people that hired you to do this decide not to pay you, is that fair?

Didn't think so.
You want steal the hard work that people make everyday trying to support themsleves and you don't know why?? :|
Oh we have a 'game pirate' in our midst apparently...:dozey:
I hate people like you. They have used huge amounts of time effort and money and then yoou come here and say that shit... I'm sorry for my language but it's people like you that put those ignoring copysafetythings(dont know what it's called in english) like SECUrom on several games just because the game developers is afraid that you put it on pirate bay.

Do you have any idea how much it costs to keep Steam operational? Valve have to pay loads just to keep the servers going and for you to get a decent download speed. Now if everyone could get it for free you think 3rd party publishers would use Steam, what's the point they would be paying to have their game available for high speed piracy.
Trolled much.

A worthy attempt, but I grow bored of it now, I advise a lock, least the beast bloats itself upon feeding on our replies, its ravenous hunger for human interaction clawing at the inside of its gut and skull demanding it to post dumb crap.
I threw this guy down the well, so yeah best clear up after myself. And to think I'm supposed to be a forensic scientist...tisk.
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