DOD solution anyone??


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
hey all

just started playing dod instead of cs, but have noticed problems. when playing maps like donner and caen, i get black and purple squares all over the donner map (its all over the floor, walls and ceilings lol), and on caen it covers all the windows.

any solutions, its ****ing annoying me lol...and its not like my pc cant run it, and it DEFINITELY cant be the card, as it only happens on a few maps :flame:
Hmm.... are you running in software mode? Might be what its set at if you've just installed it. Don'r know if that would cause any problems but its best to make sure your in opengl first and then tackle other problems.
nah im in opengl mode, im not that stupid lol. nobody on dod seems to know what the prob is either....hmmm very wierd. reinstall doesnt help either...hmmm :S
I think it has to do with the textures on the map, have you tried dling caen/donner from like the internet.. I had this problem in cs before on some maps but reinstalling the map helped. Also look for .wads that you can replace
Try r_detailtextures 1, or 0 if it's already 1.
that sort of thing normally happens in DoD if you run it in Direct3D.
lol ive tried all the modes and they dont change anything.
its like a giant black and purple checkerboard right? I had this same problem with one of the BG maps....never found out what was the problem, sorry
this may help, there are two ati settings in your config. Change them both to 0
sHm0zY said:
might be your video card


rofl, yeah i dont think so m8 :E

yeah its a black and purple chess board look and its so annoying.

r_detailtextures 1, or 0 if it's already 1...ill give it a try