Does the Grav-Gun deserve its GT title?

Is the grav-gun truly top of the heap for video game weapons?

  • Yes, absolutely

    Votes: 46 83.6%
  • It's innovative and great fun, but I've seen better.

    Votes: 5 9.1%
  • Nope, not even the best HL weapon

    Votes: 3 5.5%
  • Don't much caer for it, TBH.

    Votes: 1 1.8%

  • Total voters


Dec 27, 2006
Reaction score
Well, by now, I imagine everyone's seen that film about the best video game weapons of all time. And, being HL fans, we all know the grav-gun was named the best of all time. The question is: does it deserve its august title? Is it really the best of the best or simply an innovative weapon that injected a little life into the somewhat stale world of f***-off big guns in FPSs?

Personally, I didn't really begin to appreciate the grav-gun until I replayed HL2 and found myself fruitlessly hitting "G" in the early levels. Then, my experiences in the zombie standoffs in Ep. 1 cemented my belief that the GG ism in fact one of the wickedest weapons ever to grace a flat screen. Not since Dig Dug's monster-pump has anything given my foes so much reason to fear.

I'll also add that I actually prefer the standard grav-gun to it's overpowered blue cousin for the simple reason that cinder block and filing cabinet kills are more satisfying than the all-too-easy instant kill dealt by the super grav-gun.

So, I'm voting "yes", in other words.

(Also, please take note that I am talking about the best of all time, and not simply HL franchise weapons).
Yes, it is time that you attack with the environments, the props, not just attacking with weapons.
No, it doesn't deserve the title. Yes it is innovative, but I for one only used it when I had to. I prefer traditional firepower. Assault Rifle> Gravity Gun
I say it's the most brilliant weapon ever.
But everyone has different taste. Remus <3 assault rifle. Me <3 grav gun.
I think it should become one of the symbolic weapons...
The famous all-time favourite being the crowbar:3

And for some reason thinking of the shotgun instantly reminds me of playing HL so IMO it should be the third symbolic weapon.
But thats only my idea.
I don't use it much in HL2. I use it more now, but that's mainly because I have to. It's a superb weapon, but I'm no good with it.
WOW! 2 people posted in 30 seconds. im amazed.:LOL:

edit* or 1 minute, whatever.
Gravity gun is the best. My only problem with it is that Gordon switches weapons so slowly... T_T can't pick up the enemy grenade before it explodes.
Gravity gun is the best. My only problem with it is that Gordon switches weapons so slowly... T_T can't pick up the enemy grenade before it explodes.

That's why you have to be handy with the "G" button, especially in Lowlife. I toggle between GG and shotgun.
I prefer traditional firepower. Assault Rifle> Gravity Gun

Oh yeah, I love the OSIPR too. And I love it for the same reason I love the grav gun: it rewards accuracy with a fast kill. The thing is, sometimes a fast kill isn't fast enough. But a one shot kill coupled with a dramatic and/or hillarious ragdoll display is always a gas gas gas.

Decision: grav gun.
Well, by now, I imagine everyone's seen that film about the best video game weapons of all time. And, being HL fans, we all know the grav-gun was named the best of all time. The question is: does it deserve its august title? Is it really the best of the best or simply an innovative weapon that injected a little life into the somewhat stale world of f***-off big guns in FPSs?

Personally, I didn't really begin to appreciate the grav-gun until I replayed HL2 and found myself fruitlessly hitting "G" in the early levels. Then, my experiences in the zombie standoffs in Ep. 1 cemented my belief that the GG ism in fact one of the wickedest weapons ever to grace a flat screen. Not since Dig Dug's monster-pump has anything given my foes so much reason to fear.

I'll also add that I actually prefer the standard grav-gun to it's overpowered blue cousin for the simple reason that cinder block and filing cabinet kills are more satisfying than the all-too-easy instant kill dealt by the super grav-gun.

So, I'm voting "yes", in other words.

(Also, please take note that I am talking about the best of all time, and not simply HL franchise weapons).

methinks you need me to link you to the Age of Conan cinematic

/me runs
Yes, GG is the best weapon I've ever used in a video game. There have been tons of guns and knives and God-knows what else, but apart from their marginal differences they're essentially all the same: aim and shoot until target is dead. With the Gravity Gun you have nearly unlimited amounts of ammo, and literally anything that can be picked up can be used as a weapon against the enemy. Different objects do different amounts of damage, depending on how heavy they are and how they are shaped. In other words, the Gravity Gun is physically simulated, which few other weapons can boast. The Gravity Gun encourages creativity and ingenuity on the part of the player, and is far from the mindless gun-running rampant in FPS games today. It's also usually more fun to launch a sawblade into a target than to do the usual shooting.

So yes, the Gravity Gun is easily the most creative, fun, unique, and overall best weapon I've ever used.
No weapon has ever given me so much freedom before. It may not be as deadly as the generic BFGs out there, but it's a lot more fun.
The weapon being as innovative as it is, instantly puts it way up there on the charts. The fact it is so effective, and fun to adds the #1 slot in my heart.
Gravgun will always be remembered in the FPS series. It is one of the greatest and most innovative weapons of all time, in my opinion. Shooting a zombie with a saw blade is always more entertaining than shooting it with a shotgun. Also, it opens up many different ways to provide yourself with a little barricade, instead of the traditional push stuff, or the grab on to stuff and move it.
It's okay.

It lost its appeal for me after the 800th explosive barrel.

Shotguns all the way.
It's the greatest weapon because it isn't exclusively a weapon. It's a tool that allows you to manipulate the world around you. Because of this, it enhances everything in the gameplay experience...actually bringing you into a physical world where things can be picked up, grabbed, moved, dropped, thrown, and placed. The fact that the gravity "gun" is primarily used as a weapon is a function of the user, not the primary use of the tool.

Anyone who's played countless hours of Half-Life 2 Deathmatch can attest to this. Makeshift barricades, using tables as shields, stacking up crates to become ladders to previously innaccessible places then using the gun to scatter the boxes, concealing your position and preventing enemies from reaching you. Using the gun to pull ammo and health to a covered position. The gravity gun is more than just a weapon. It's a tool.
It kinda makes me wonder then why it's ended up as "best weapon" when, like you said, I tend to use it as more than a tool then a weapon. True, you have unlimited "ammo" etc, but I've found that at times it can be awkward to OBTAIN the ammo if it's not very close to you. Not to mention you have to make sure you're pretty accurate at "shooting" an enemy. I mean, with a zombie, if I'm not careful, I'll just end up creating a half zombie while my "ammo" ends up behind him! And throwing flammable objects can be a harzard.
So yeah, to me it's always ended up more as a stragetic tool (like you mentioned, barricades etc) or just a way to grab health on the other side of the room. Against most enemies it's always guns for me, unless I want an interesting challenge.
I think it is the best "weapon" ever in a game, and it deserves it's title. I'm still surprised no one has copied it in another game, though. (except Doom 3: Resurrection, but we all know how that turned out..)

I never use it enough, though. I usually use it when I see an explosive barrel or something, but that's it. I think I might start a new game of HL2 (haven't played in a LONG time!) and JUST use the Gravity Gun. (I would play SMOD, but I think that may be a little bit too hard to just the Gravity Gun..)
It was the best for the job through HL2. Saw blades and cabinets being the ammo.
And great in HL2 DM as well. Gravity Gun + Toilet = GG
...Wait a minute. So toilet = nothing?
Its my favorite weapon. Its always there, and you don't need to reload =p
It's also by far the easiest way to get rid of Manhacks without using all of your ammo.
Yep. I didn't find myself doing that much because it exposed me to too much fire and you had to get in close in order to use it. I ended up grabbing them and throwing them against a wall instead.
I've found that at times it can be awkward to OBTAIN the ammo if it's not very close to you. Not to mention you have to make sure you're pretty accurate at "shooting" an enemy. I mean, with a zombie, if I'm not careful, I'll just end up creating a half zombie while my "ammo" ends up behind him! And throwing flammable objects can be a harzard.

I always make sure I have three weapon-grade projectiles on hand before going into an area with a significant zombie presence. That way I always have something with which to take down nearly anything that walks on two feet with one shot--including the formidable zombines. It doesn't work great against the fasties who move a bit two quickly to target. On the other hand, it's very satisfying to knock them out of the air with something small and dense.
I feel somewhat uneasy agreeing with the title it's been given, lest I feel like an unthinking fanboy but honestly it is one of the most inventive, not to mention satisfying, ways to approaching combat I've seen.

I've shouted many a heart-warming "F*ck yeah!" or "Yeah ya like that don't ya, bitch!?" after felling bad-guys with a booming shotgun blast.
I've grinned far more than any stable person should after immolating my foes with flame-throwers in the GTA games and the massively under-rated The Thing.
I've grunted with unbridled satisfaction after using FEAR's crispy skeleton gun (although that was essentially a glorified rail-gun).
I've giggled like a freakish schoolgirl after carving a bloody path through my enemies with the minigun in the GTA games and, even better, the original Max Payne's superb Matrix mod.
I smile a grim smile every time I pin someone to the wall with HL2's crossbow, but there's something about crushing someone's skull by throwing a toilet at it at 40mph and watching the shattered porcelain fly in all directions that is difficult to beat. The joy of taking down numerous Combine soldiers after hurling a 'splodey barrel at just one of them or the frantic grab-and-fling-whatever's-nearest is difficult to beat. It adds a whole new aspect to combat that becomes sompletely instinctive.

So, at the risk of sounding like a drivelling, mouth-frothing fanboy, I'd say that yes, the grav gun is probably the best weapon I've ever slaughtered with.
And you can stick that on the box.

Damn, John. That was fast.
That's what she said.
It was a very innovative playing enhancer, adding depth to each level if I wanted to hang around and not proceed into a different area. That said, I still prefer fire-power over the grav-gun, just never got used to picking up things and throwing them at enemies effectively.
my, this makes me think of th portal gun. it is just as powerful as the grav gun and has the ability to form portals (duh). it would be really fantastic and a great weapon if we saw it in a game other than portal. i think that wep would win, although not easy to implement
my, this makes me think of th portal gun. it is just as powerful as the grav gun and has the ability to form portals (duh). it would be really fantastic and a great weapon if we saw it in a game other than portal.

I know that the Portal gun can grab items a la Grav Gun, but do we know for a fact that it can hurl them at lethal velocities? I'm not saying we don't, I just don't recall having read it anywhere.
Yes. Simply yes. It pumps the immersion level up considerably. It's the weapon that does what man has wanted from... I dunno, some war: It's the weapon that makes everything else a weapon. And a tool, and a shield...
I mean, think about if this weapon was in our time. I would never have to get up to get something. Laziness FTW!
On my list GravGun would be second one. The winner would be F.E.A.R shotgun. It just kicks ass, you can aim with it, and punch with it. And also shoot some soldier heads off slow-motion.

Gravity Gun is nice weapon if you know how to use it quickly, like jumping from somewhere and shooting some stuff quickly to combines and then grabbing medickit from ground.
The GG has gifted me with some of the most satisfying kills of all time:dozey:
If all the rebels had gravity guns, they would kick some combinass (no, there was not supposed to be an "E" there).