Dont beleive the hype: No media tonight.


Jul 11, 2003
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Check the steam channel's topic if you want, it says the media is fine right now but they are getting extra bandwith now. My guess is it will be a few days before we see the media. Really weird since Erik told me in an email it would be pushed back one day. Anyway dont think its going to be released tonight.
I think Valve overestimated the bandwidth requirements. Besides the 2000 or so geeks on these forums, nobody is gona start downloading the minute it comes out.

Besides many people are in other countries.
look. We don't f*cking care. now stop posting these useless threads... read the other topics and think.
this is just a stupid over all decision going solitary on bandwidth is a bad idea. public website offerings like everyone else is far smarter way to go on something like this then later after everyone has it offer it on steam when demand isn't so high, i think steam is imparing their vision.
Sharp, if you seen last night the topic about media was almost reaching top spot in the most viewed/posted thread. I'd say people want to know. Since I posted an email of mine with Erik saying it would be released today I felt obligated to let the people know that it will now not be released today.
Well if you think about it, it's a good stress test for the HL2 release.
Originally posted by sharp
look. We don't f*cking care. now stop posting these useless threads... read the other topics and think.

You're always so hostile. I agree with your point sharp but don't be so hostile about expressing your view.
um no hl2 will not be public not everyone will go and get it off steam not nearly as many as will download this vid.
as far as i know this is a public forum ...P U B L I C take your nazi ass elsewhere
Originally posted by droper
as far as i know this is a public forum ...P U B L I C take your nazi ass elsewhere

who was this comment aimed at?
When I am off work and want to check some forums.. I see these threads like "media released not this day" and "Saterday HL2 media release"... I get tired of these threads. I need to read those threads for gathering useless information and it's just all spam. Can't we just post this in a central topic, so the forum will be simple and usefull :)
I doubt anyone would notice inside one central thread, Like last night 4 posts were being made every 30 seconds in that topic.

EDIT: Besides, I havent seen that many threads about the HL2 media here. The front page isnt cluttered with them at all.

EDIT2: Just shot off an email to erik, Ill post his reply as soon as I get it back.
It is simple and useful for most people's needs. Whether you like it or not, this thread belongs in this forum. I'm sure if it didn't you'd have pointed it out by now like you normally do :p It's general discussion about HL2, so shall we go back on topic?

Also, a good thing to do that I find works well if you don't like a thread - don't reply to it. ;)
Originally posted by Northwood83
EDIT: Besides, I havent seen that many threads about the HL2 media here. The front page isnt cluttered with them at all.

I dunno, on the front page, I counted 5 or 6 threads related to the movies and the subsequent flaming of Valve about them. And in the past week I've seen a lot more threads that have fallen off the front page too.

As far as forums go, I would definitely say that that's cluttered. I mean, the point of a forum is to keep one topic in it's own thread...why else set it up this way???
you know guys, instead of posting all this worthless crap. Why don't we post a new thread called: "New media is released!!!"
and post it when the goddamn media is released. 'nough with these stupid threads already! :)
Well, Steam is back up, with the most bandwidth it has ever had.
okay, then I dub thou, TheWart, to become The Masterposter and to post a thread of utter importance. Thou shall name it: The new goddamned media is released!!! :D
In the Valve email thread, Gabe said that they are shooting for 8:00 tonight.....but we all know what happened last night.....
they are using the media release to test bandwidth for the HL2 release via steam.
There is increasing intelligence from trusted sources to indicate they will be out at 8:00 PST, or 11:00 PM EST.
I really don't know. I'll be honest, I didn't even believe the videos were actually coming until Erik talked about them in IRC. I've been trying not to set myself up for disappointment :) Tonight would be nice though. I'm not sure what source said that they were even waiting for more bandwidth to begin with.
Does anyone know if the media videos will include the lame commentary or will it just be of the action? The worst thing about the game spy videos is the guy trying to explain everything over the background noise.. I think without the commentary we could work it out
I belive the videos are pure game footage... and maybe something new... maybe... they seemed to be hinting at something....
cool thanks, it would be awsome if you could run the half life 2 footage as a windows screen saver :)
Originally posted by Kitfox
I belive the videos are pure game footage... and maybe something new... maybe... they seemed to be hinting at something....

Yes, there will be news stuff eventually. But first they will release the E3 ones, which might take a week or so.
when is the offical new date for these videos is there a time too?
There was no "official" date to begin with...just a buncha people jumpin the gun over hear-say

There is a little "HL2-media" icon...well .tga file in the "\Steam\resource\games" folder...dunno how long its been there :/
New topic: Steam-Hangout - They are testing and tweaking the movie delivery service. Should be out (hopefully) tonight or tomorrow.
Parasite: Been there for a while. But also they have CS:CZ and DOD icons too now which were added tonight.

LoneDeranger: Monday then? :p
Stop slagging them off. Hang your head in shame. plzkthx