doom3 movie

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So in other words there making a new film and just stole the name Doom because it sure sounds like that..
This is going to be one Horror-ible move, can't wait for the sequel.
Ok... so how is the movie related to Doom anymore? A generic "SWAT" team battling zombies. Hmm, have I seen this before?

I think we should ban game movies, because some higher power is apparently dedicated to make each and every one of them suck ass.
A real Doom movie would probably be quite good but they've changed 'what DOOM is' into something completely random, and it will suck the big one.

The producer behind this movie is like one of them people that come into a thread and talk about something totally different.
hahahahah that is SO LAME
nothing like the game(s)
the problem is they always get rubbish directors to direct game-to-movie adaptations and they're always intent on mangling the story beyond comprehension.

I can see the movie reviews now "The DooM movie attempts to cash in on the success of the Resident Evil franchise".
This is like Lord of the Rings, except it is about a bunch of people on a plane listening to rap music while being flown around by snoop.

GG hollywood
I can't believe this! Why are they doing this? Why would they do this?! I do not know. Aren't they only going to lose profit since not so many Doom fans are going to want to see the movie now.

If you're not a Doom fan and can't understand the catastrophe here, then think it this way: Would you go to see a Half-Life movie which
A) Wasn't starred by Gordon/the G-Man/Alyx/Gabe Nevell
B) Had nothing to do with Black Mesa or City 17
C) Had nothing to do with... well, the whole Half-Life franchise
D) All of the above

Say whatever you want, but some stupid virus transforming people into zombies is SO NOT DOOM.
Hmm when I first heard they were doing a doom movie I thought it could actually be kind of cool. So much for that idea I guess.

That almost doesn't seem real though. Seems more like a joke or something.
Game to Movies always suck, but its not necessarily a matter of the mediums being incompatible: It's just a basic case of Hollywood being all about the money and not about actual artistic expression anymore. They see games which make more money than their own films, then they think "Money!" and buy up the licence. The Doom movie looks like it just reinforced that way of looking at things... I never expected much from it, but Doom without... well, Doom. Sounds liked it's Doomed to got straight to video.

ID Software should really pull the plug right now.
what a f*cking c*nt. Thats how i feel about the director. he shouldnt be making films at all. If you cant make a spin off film from a game and take out it's core principles, thats just pathetic. Im actually quite angry that money gets wasted and the DooM story gets trashed like this.... so many awful films are made these days. argh.
Ah well, I'm reminded of Doug Lombardi something like

"And then they say 'And then Gordon falls in love' which is when we all start running screaming towards Seattle" Or something along those lines :p
OMG they ruined the doom movie

a SWAT against mutant people?

*cough*Resident evil imitation*cough*

sure they thought the idea of space marines killing was very unrealistic,but IMO the idea of Hell demons fighting against soldiers sounds very cool and very original,but they just hav ****ed all

if all the movies based in videogames are changed like that they should not be made
It proves thier fear of trying something diffrent....and crazy religous people
Knew about the doom movie for some time now. Going to go see it just because i go see everything.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Knew about the doom movie for some time now. Going to go see it just because i go see everything.

as did we all, but we didn't know script changes like this.

and yeh, i'll end up seeing it too. i mean, it's doom!
destrukt said:
as did we all, but we didn't know script changes like this.

and yeh, i'll end up seeing it too. i mean, it's doom!

So if they changed the title of "Barbie does Rapunsal" into Doom, you would go see it?

They might as well call it Resident Evil 3: Doom.
Razor said:
So if they changed the title of "Barbie does Rapunsal" into Doom, you would go see it?

yeh, and barbie does repunsal sounds kind of raunchy, so it's got my $8AU.
Err dude its a kids film that was showing on Sky just earlier today. ...Whatever floats your boat.
moved to the right section (good searching there bud)

and since its already been posted about this, locked too.
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