

Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
why in hl1 dr breen couldnt walk, he was in a wheel chair (in decaymod for hl ps2) ?
That was "dr kleiner" I think, however, decay wasn't made by valve so its not part of the official plot.
Ahh yes thats right, Shens...
It was funny double-shotgunning that guy :p
It was the 2-player coop mission in the PS2 version
Shadow][ said:
i never seen anyone in a wheelchair in hl1

He's in Half-Life for PlayStation®2.

edit: damn you bliink.
so theres like part of the story only ps2'ers get to see? awww
You and Player 2 are Gina Cross (chick in hologram from training course) and Colette Green (some other random).
You are beneath the test chamber and help load the sample into the little elevator and flick some buttons.
It all blows up.
You find Dr. Rosenberg who you take to call for help (the military.. whoops!)
You also Go around with Dr. Keller to find a barney with security codes for a satellite or something, and you end up having to do a lot of work relating to stabilising some dimensional muckups and the finale is a bit where you and your partner must protect a large machine warming up while you fight off many aliens.

Best quotes:
Barney: [Looking at player] You look good in orange!
Barney: Don't worry ma'am, I'm a trained professional
Scientist: Maybe I can also have a weapon? Perhaps... an automatic rifle?
Shadow][ said:
so theres like part of the story only ps2'ers get to see? awww
The dreamcast version of HL was going to have Blue Shift as a similar thing. Then the dreamcast only sold 10 copies, and natural selection took it's course. :p
yeah i got hl for the ps2...was SO sad and disappointed, just made me remember that Me+Consoles+FPS = **** that shit.
i doubt shell get one, but wwell have to wait and see :)

p.s im sure she will
PS2 hl1 = **cking slow frame rate

display fram rate

damn the FR is so slow it can't even display it!
bliink said:
You and Player 2 are Gina Cross (chick in hologram from training course) and Colette Green (some other random).
You are beneath the test chamber and help load the sample into the little elevator and flick some buttons.
It all blows up.
You find Dr. Rosenberg who you take to call for help (the military.. whoops!)
You also Go around with Dr. Keller to find a barney with security codes for a satellite or something, and you end up having to do a lot of work relating to stabilising some dimensional muckups and the finale is a bit where you and your partner must protect a large machine warming up while you fight off many aliens.

Best quotes:
Barney: [Looking at player] You look good in orange!
Barney: Don't worry ma'am, I'm a trained professional
Scientist: Maybe I can also have a weapon? Perhaps... an automatic rifle?

That actually sounds really good. Is there any chance that Decay will ever be released on Steam? Maybe they can combine this and Blue Shift into one expansion on its own?

...if only. ;(
well....i caqn get all the stuff for it, but you people would need to do work to make it save as bsp instead of bs2. and other stuff. but the wave and sound files are .wav and .mp3....... and in edition to t6he end of decay is an alein map...its fun u are an alean and get a weird vision
ben5015se said:
well....i caqn get all the stuff for it, but you people would need to do work to make it save as bsp instead of bs2. and other stuff. but the wave and sound files are .wav and .mp3....... and in edition to t6he end of decay is an alein map...its fun u are an alean and get a weird vision

The spelling you are so desperately trying to find is in fact


fank j00

Idea: We get more funny quotes in HL games.

Love that scientist one. Automatic rifle.... *rofl*
Jintor try Star Wars Republic Commando, it has alot of funny quotes:

"I think Ive found the main power conduit. Nope, just a big vent" "why dont you hold the chatter untill you havesomething useful to say"

One of them goes to kick a bigger piece of a droids thats been blown to a thousand bits them says: "dead" lol classic :)

And some even better ones but cantthink of any right now..
bliink said:
Ahh yes thats right, Shens...
It was funny double-shotgunning that guy :p
bliink, my friend and i would double shotgun that guy 5 times in a row, good times. glad to see someone else is as sick as me.