Dr. Wallace Breen

Krabjuice said:
"I think we've underestimated SHODAN. I discovered this morning that he's reprogrammed the regeneration rooms all over the station into cyborg conversion chambers. Now, if anyone is badly wounded, they get turned into cyborgs instead of being healed. I think I've managed to disconnect the medical CPU's from SHODAN's main databank, so all of SHODAN's cyborg converters can be easily reset to their normal healing functions without SHODAN noticing. I'm on my way right now to reset the one on the hospital level."
Because the voice was for the later CD version, Looking Glass hadn't really finallised SHODAN's gender. If you listen to the audio log of this text in game (or the other one, i'm not entirely sure), the character speaking actually corrects themselves "he... err, it".

What is very clear by the time that System Shock 2 is released, is that Shodan is female, or considers itself to female. It refers to itself as a "Godess", takes on a female persona and digital form and talks in an unequivocally female voice (as it did pre hacking anyway). All crew members in Shock 2 consider it a she, something that had me very confused when I looked up the original and found the equivocation over Shodan's gender. I think that it's probably safest to call Shodan "she" now.
If you watch Mossman throughout that sceen you can see her emotions very clearly, see isn't just standing there blank-faced like you'd expect from any other game.
Dr. Judith Mossman is certainly interesting, especially during that last scene. She's obviously in love with Eli... something that you got an inkling on during Black Mesa East, where you certainly get a "rebellious teen vs. new step-mom" vibe in Judith and Alyx's conversation. This is compounded by Eli making peace between them, as he's obviously done many times before.

I think, in the last scene, Judith was planning on going along with Breen up until the moment when Breen condemned Eli to off-world torture and possibly death. You could actually see her change sides with that comment - she squared her shoulders, got a determined expression on her face, and pulled Alyx's zappy-thingy seemingly out of nowhere.

Amor vincit omnia, it seems... and Breen has no clue as to the depth of Dr. Mossman's affections for Eli, even though it seems so obvious to us. Breen has been interfacing with machines and aliens for the past fifteen years, and he's forgotten how to read people, which caused his downfall.
Talyn said:
Amor vincit omnia, it seems... and Breen has no clue as to the depth of Dr. Mossman's affections for Eli, even though it seems so obvious to us. Breen has been interfacing with machines and aliens for the past fifteen years, and he's forgotten how to read people, which caused his downfall.
He accuses her of as much in Nova Prospekt.
Breen is definitely aware of Mossmans feelings towards Eli, perhaps not as far as they stem - but certainly aware. Its this human feeling that Breen thinks is blinding people - especially Mossman, and steering them away from the true course of evolution.

In the same way he attempts to persuade the remaining populace of Earth that instinct will get them killed.

He's tried to wash himself of it, but he failed - because he does show emotion when preparing to send Eli and Alyx through the portal. As Alyx says, "Dad, I'm so sorry..." "Alyx, sweetheart." Breen becomes aware of the situation unravelling before him. This man, Eli, an old friend. And he also becomes aware of the relationship Alyx and Eli have, and how he is about to destroy that.

For perhaps a second or so, Breen realized what he is condemning the human race to.
Yeah but he stopped caring about that when Mossman changed side, but even if she hadnt he whould still go through with it and probobly whouldnt give it much thought.
Your sure? Its impossible to speculate on what could have happened, because it didn't. He simply clicked again because Mossman had him at 'tazer point', she was about to free Freeman, Eli and Alyx and Breen returned to his normal state.
Breen is definately a decendant from Noel Edmonds :D
His laugh is defenatly wierd, and is that a sigh at the end of it?
Eejit said:
He looks more like Derek Jacobi actually. Played Senator Gracchus in Gladiator, and Alexander thingymajig in Underworld Evolution. Lots of other things too, but his beard in those is especially Breen-like.


When I posted that I`d just finished watching Deal Or No Deal, and Noels "acting like he cares about what`s happening when he`s clearly hpoing they`ll lose" type speeches reminded me of Breen, oh...and he`s got a whitish beard :p
No. If they make half life to a movie, theyl pick someone else. Heard that Tarantino was gonna make half life... Just bogus thou.
Ok, well we'll just agree that you're all wrong then. ;)
On a side note, Breen is a great antagonist.
i'm making half-life the movie.

....what? ...i am....
He and I are scuplting Gordon out of toilet paper as we type!

Stop-motion for the win!
If I had enough money to match your awesomeness, I’d give it to you. Unfortunately, I’m five cents short.
yeah.. you joke, but when you see my name on the credits you'll be like....

ok well you don't know my name so you won't be like anything...

actually yo might be like 'w00t! HL teh movie. who's the pimp daddy director? OMG OMG, he's on this board!!' W0000000T!!!!
Samon said:
"Tell me, Dr. Freeman, if you can, you have destroyed so much...what is it exactly that you have created? Can you name even one thing? I thought not."

A brilliant line with brilliant delivery. It actually made you think.
Yes, I like when he tell you painfull truth. It remind me line of Liquid Snake from Metal Gear Solid:

Liquid Snake : "Why do you continue to follow your orders while your superiors betray you? Why did you come here?
Well... I'll tell you then. You enjoy all the killing, that's why."
Polaris said:
Yes, I like when he tell you painfull truth. It remind me line of Liquid Snake from Metal Gear Solid:

Liquid Snake : "Why do you continue to follow your orders while your superiors betray you? Why did you come here?
Well... I'll tell you then. You enjoy all the killing, that's why."

****ING RIGHT!!!
Although, Breen doesn't really save humanity. Humanity is doomed; we're not allowed to 'breed' anymore, and we're crushed beneath the brutal heel of the Overwatch. Also, Breen has lost touch with reality. He talks of existing not in the limited capacity we have known, but in a way we can only begin to grasp [sic]. Um, hello Doctor, humanity's future lies in either being a transhuman soldier, or a stalker slave! Hardly the greater existance Breen promises. I, for one, am quite proud that humanity finally saw through Breen's lies and rose up to fight the Combine. Desperate as the struggle may be, it's better than being herded as sheep led to the slaughter.
Its not like the people thought: Hey happy day! The Combines are nice and Breens a good guy!
There where lies, but nobody but Breen belived them.
Rizzo89 said:
Its not like the people thought: Hey happy day! The Combines are nice and Breens a good guy!
There where lies, but nobody but Breen belived them.

I don't think Breen even believed them. He knew what he was doing to the citizens of Earth, he simply thought his personal goals more important.
Well, he certainly thinks that come the rebellion. He's lost touch with humanity, they aren't a cause worth bartering for now - the only thing that matters, is himself. An insatiable thirst for knowledge and what lies beyond.
Samon said:
Well, he certainly thinks that come the rebellion. He's lost touch with humanity, they aren't a cause worth bartering for now - the only thing that matters, is himself. An insatiable thirst for knowledge and what lies beyond.

To me it seems, that he is still trying to get something done with humanity. He tells to the Advisor: "I can still deliver this planet, but I need your help", or something in those lines. I'm not suggesting that he cares about the people, themselves, but he cares quite a bit of his own success. The failure (as he percieves it) of humanity is also his own failure and even if he wasn't a perfectionistic scientist-type that hates personal failure, he has to consider the fact, that without humanity to lead into slavery, the Combine has no use for him, whatsoever and that doesn't bode well for his own future.
And also, the nobel prize comitee frowns upon being responsible for the extermination of the entire human race.
What nobel prize committee are you talking about, Rimmer? The one I go to loves that sort of thing.
Lightice said:
he has to consider the fact, that without humanity to lead into slavery, the Combine has no use for him, whatsoever and that doesn't bode well for his own future.

But the real goal along was the local portal tech, not humanity. Thats what Breen was escaping with at the end.
Wasn't he using the trans-dimensional teleporter?
If you use modelviewer it's clearly a USB drive.
I know he was escaping with the tec, but i didnt see him have it, where did he keept it?
Rizzo89 said:
I know he was escaping with the tec, but i didnt see him have it, where did he keept it?
Isn't it obvious where Dr Breen would keep his 3 1/2" Floppy?
you know, in the final scene, i like how mossman's voice sounded so confident, when she says "I'm sorry, Wallace. You're all out of time.", referencing back to the scene at nova prospekt when breen says "So sorry, Judith. I'm all out of time." during that conversation. judith isn't a bad looker, actually:naughty: