Dude Alyx is hot


May 19, 2003
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Need I say more, shes one fine lookin momma. Come on, who wouldnt hit that? Whos a hotter vid game chick?

Id pimp that slut:afro:
*sigh* you can see that there is gonna be a Naked Alyx skin in the future.... :/
and eventually a "sex" mod.. think of the possibilities with the phsyics and rag doll stuff!! anyway! ill leave that up for some pervs to do.
oh dear....you all sadden me... (those who think A VIDEOGAME character is hot) you are just re-enforcing the stereotype presented by the media of guys who play games.....
Indeed they are. But stereotypes are generally just exaggerations of reality.

It is a load of pixels on a screen, backed up by alot of code. Where is the sexiness in that?


Don't answer that. I just know someone like VaLvEd RaY is gonna come along and say something. Even though his double is gone.
who knows what they might do next... maybe a skin loaded Volley-Ball mod
we have gone too far guys

edit: with "bouncing" effect :sleep:
Couldnt modelers apply physics to parts of the model so they move realistically?
well i wanna see some bouncing boobs on a naked alyx model. I have a girlfriend and I aint a geek, but a good looking woman can be admired on a computer right?
Just like you pornographic jpg's hey MrBadger?!
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow

It is a load of pixels on a screen, backed up by alot of code. Where is the sexiness in that?

Uhm.... well, pornography is also a load of pixels on a screen....
so are most things.....games for instance :P ....... (backed up by code) I guess its all the same as finding windows XP sexy.....
no but seeing naked woman whether digital or real are nice to look at.
I rest my case
huh? toit? toit ash a toiger? not as toit ash my faaaaaashar......
This is such a wierd thread. Alyx is hot for a computer generated woman, thats it.
She was not meant to be hot; she's suppose to look like normal people. It's just a well-designed model, thats all.
Well, of course, but not too attractive. They know that people need both hands to play HL :)
lol, not if your ValVed RaY, he will be busy thinking up strange and unnusual ways to kill her.
Originally posted by mrBadger
oh dear....you all sadden me... (those who think A VIDEOGAME character is hot) you are just re-enforcing the stereotype presented by the media of guys who play games.....

so your saying youve never looked at a picture on the computer of anyone and though "wow shes hot".... afterall.... thats just pixels on the screen.
fair enough its of a real person but Alyx could be modelled on someone real..... personally she doesn't turn me on but i aint denying that if a really life like version of Carmilla DeCaerse walked about but naked... i would become a lot more itnerested in my computer screen.

sex sells as they say.

See this is usually the reason people put women in their games, for this exact response, which i hope isn't the reason they put her in HL2.

I'm sure just a kid would have done fine, as women and 10-12 year olds have a lot in common (weak, stupid, etc must i go on? come on think about it, you know i'm right.)

and if it was a kid then at least we wouldn't have all these threads about alyx.
If they were going for sex appeal they would make her look and dress like laura croft.

hehe, HalfLife2: Sex Mod, made by all the horny nerds in the basement.
They're doing the sneaky sex appeal, of course they're not going to make her like Lara Croft, that insults our intelligence.
Couldnt modelers apply physics to parts of the model so they move realistically?

They are gonna do that, didnt you read the article in PCG? they said how if she stretches her arm, her boobs will stretch as well....Dude, I hella want a nude skin, that will be great:rolling:

heres my impression of vaVled Ray :sniper:
Hahaha, boy that was funny
Originally posted by Straylight
If they were going for sex appeal they would make her look and dress like laura croft.


I think they know that HL2 is the thinking man's FPS.

He will be attracted to wit and character, not dripping laciviousness.

Besides Alyx may be a beautiful girl, but Eastern Europe is too cold for Lara Croft outfits.
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
I think they know that HL2 is the thinking man's FPS.

He will be attracted to wit and character, not dripping laciviousness.

thinking man..... that falls down when you meet RaY (thank god hes gone).... thing is, most people should go for wit and character... sorry, I can't help it.... please don't flame me... :P
Let's not overdo it. mrBadger.

Yes Yes. Wit and character is great.

But sometimes you just can't beat dripping laciviousness.