Dust 514


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone playing the beta? The servers just went down for maintenance so it seems a good operability to pull myself away from the Playstation and make a thread. Game is pretty fun and on the surface doesn't seem pay to win at all. I'm doing fine with just my starting suit and an assault rifle I got from a referral link. I don't have access to tanks though and I have no idea how expensive those are. Don't really have a handle on the game's economy yet.

The one annoying thing is reviving seems to be even less common a thing than when I played BF3 and that's disappointing in a game where you use up equipment in every respawn. People don't seem to expect to get revived either. More than once I've seen a teammate die and me rush over to him with the syringe only to have him respawn himself before I got to him.

If anyone wants to sign up use someone's referral link. It gives you 50 assault rifles and some other stuff if you use it. This is my one. If anyone else posts theirs I'll edit it in in here. (I obviously also get a bonus if you click that).
Hmm, why would they make this a PS3 exclusive?
It seems you can use a keyboard and mouse just by sticking them in.
Hmm, why would they make this a PS3 exclusive?
CCP got money from Sony to be ps3 exclusive.

Things should get more interesting once you can start transferring isk between Dust and Eve accounts.