Dwarf Fortress - Most confusing game EVAR


Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score


Thats right guys, the above pics are from a game called Dwarf Fortress. Its been out for a while so most of you might already know about it. I tried it out but i had to quit because i got incredibly mind ****ed. Starting over following a tutorial now http://afteractionreporter.com/2009...newby-tutorial-for-dwarf-fortress-part-1-wtf/

If you do play this game, please share your tips.

If you want to try it out:

Why would you play that? It looks awful.
Download a graphics set if you have trouble with the ASCII, I can't really play without one. Also if you aren't using it already get the 40d16 release from the dwarf fortress forums, it runs a lot better than the one on the website and will let you do some useful things like zoom in and out with the mouse wheel.

There are also some programs that will give you a 3d view of your map if you build a nice fort and want to see it all at once or just want an overview of things.


Why would you play that? It looks awful.

Once you get past the horrible graphics and completely unintuitive and user unfriendly interface it's really a very good game.
Looks like something I built for my programming final project, only far more complex.
Played it for a little while and got very wrapped up in it (despite not accomplishing much), but after taking a break it just felt too daunting to ever come back to.

It's definitely a very fun and flexible game, if you have the patience to play with 20 wiki tabs open in the background. I don't know how it's even possible to get into it without an in depth tutorial though.
Get a good ascii graphics set and it's awesome. Krynn you have no idea how intense this game is. Don't be fooled by the ascii, this is easily one of the most enjoyable and deep strategy experiences available despite it.

The learning curve is almost as steep as Orbiter, though, so be prepared to have 20 wiki tabs open like Laivasse said. Hey at least you don't have to read spaceship diagnostics manuals.
*whispered voice*

Don't go to Boatmurdered...
I usually bust out the same story every now and then with a dwarf fortress thread comes up.

I had a pretty good fortress going on for a while, and I had even hit a few dreaded demon pockets, but I had a few legendary warriors who would literally WALK THROUGH LAVA to get to their enemies. Late in the game I had a pretty big fight with a dragon where only one of my champions survived so he was pretty much the sole badass of the entire fortress.

A bit after the dragon incident I hit another pocket to hell, but I figure my one champion at the moment can take on whatever comes out of there until some other dwarves train up. I was ****ing wrong. What came out was some kind of unstoppable ****ing demon army. My champion never stood a chance. So these assholes are just moving through the floors destroying everything when I throw out my secret weapon incase something like this had happened. Big flood gate opens up and lava starts to flood the lower floors and im thinking "Ha take that you ****ers." Little did I realize that half of this army could fly.

At this point I can't really do anything because the rest of my dwarves are punks. Its at that point that I seal the entrance to the fortress, and activate what I called the "Suicide weapon" which was just a gigantic pipe that had a lava flow stopped right above the main entrance. With the entrance sealed, I opened the gate and proceeded to flood the entire fortress, which even those flying assholes couldn't escape.

What im trying to say this, if you can take the time to learn how to play this, then ****ing do it. It's completely worth it.
Anyone who says it's a bad game won't take the time to play it.

This game uses enough processing power and physics that it will lag when you start filling up a huge hole with water.
I'm willing to answer specific questions, but just saying 'I'm stuck' isn't useful.
Shit this looks awesome.

The game won't work for me. It says "F8 to continue" but won't continue when I press F8:(. Perhaps this game is too complicated for me.
I read parts of the wiki once and turned right the **** around and walked out. It made my head hurt. I'll stick to twitch games.
Get a graphis pack, which helps unbelievably so.

Also, follow a tutorial online to get you started.

If you enjoy story and really really deep gameplay, then you will love this game. So many crazy things happen once you get deeper into the game. BTW, damn the monkeys stealing my items in my stock piles!!!
Way too complex.

Much worse than EVE Online's learning curve.
reminds me of that hacking mini game in Fallout 3 only with more colors
MuToiD_MaN has gone BERZERK! MuToiD_MaN is on fire! Every reader of this thread is on fire!
Where are your stockpiles? Surely not outside? As long as you have guards or traps at your entrance, Rhesuses (sp) can't bother you.

It was when I was building a castle early on and didn't have guards / traps set up yet.

Don't worry, my traps and guards took care of them later :naughty:
Haven't played this since like December '08, new version still ain't out yet.

I originally started playing it late '06 when it first came out, it's a good game :)

Also all you guys bashing the graphics, you suck you softcore gaming babies!

It's ASCII, and hardcore gamers like myself can get past ASCII; and even use it to our advantage(ever heard of something called fantasy/imagination?)!
So where's this 3D plugin dealy? Is it useful?

Here is its thread on the forums. As for it being useful, it really depends on what you are doing. Most people seem to use it to show off things they have made. It does allow you to view multiple layers at once though and just get a better feel for things than you would be able to switching through them one at a time.
Also all you guys bashing the graphics, you suck you softcore gaming babies!

It's ASCII, and hardcore gamers like myself can get past ASCII; and even use it to our advantage(ever heard of something called fantasy/imagination?)!

I don't have a problem with ASCII per se (<3 ADOM) but that's rather nasty looking ASCII.
All this is fixed by getting a tile set really, that way you dont have to deal with the ASCII
Holy shit, I've been playing this for a couple of days now It is so damn hard!

Here's a hint: never make a giant stone stockpile! Your dwarves will waste almost all their time moving rocks around. (I just wanted uncluttered hallways, but I guess they're supposed to be completely filled with stones.)

Here's another hint: if you come upon a "glowing pit" get the hell out of there.