Dystopia April Update

ROFL! Sweet, my NS clan is in there! I'm a member of Tainted lol
NeoNight said:
what would you have perfered to play? a ww2 mod? counter terrorist vs zombie terrorist? ww2 mod with zombies? something related to zombies? :p

Zombie mods are awesome, do not deny it.

Kouler said:
ROFL! Sweet, my NS clan is in there! I'm a member of Tainted lol

You know a guy called Naph?
Sulkdodds said:
I'd also disagree with 'poor execution'.

If you call slick, fun, compulsive, tactical and skillful team-based play with the brilliance of cyberspace and co-ordinating cunning assaults between two realities 'poorly executed' then...well, actually, I guess it's your own concern. But still.
buzz words - man you could write their press release. You are decribing a 'concept' there, not an execution. Ok, so it is relativly slick - nice FX etc. You'll also find that most FPSs are 'skillful' in the sense that skill is necessary, hence 'action' game. Stick teams in and you can call anything tactical, but browse the Dys forums and you'll see that encouraging MORE teamplay seems to be a priority / issue atm (in public matches at least). As for the brilliance of cyber space. Mmh, imo, tihs is the only really example of 'poor execution' that exists here. The idea is supeerb but Im still finding myself avoiding being a decker just because I end up painting it with the 'bit bland', 'bit restrictive' and 'bit empty' brushes, even though the glowy stuff is fab :D Its a defining feature for the mod though, so im always disappointed when i find myself lobbing nades through doorways over and over like i do in FEAR MP =/

Yeah. This mod is one of the best mods for halflife2. Unlike other mods the player base still remains constant
I can name another mod or two that has consist player count, server counts and often competitive ones to boot. Please research before making sweeping statements

unfortunately, singleplayer for nextgen takes a lot lot more content to make it than multiplayer
Characters, story, a different take on the level design that is surprisingly hard. Probably new view on the "game mode" of MP that will see it incorperated into SP. Not as easy as it sounds. Then you have to do all the assets for the environment. You cant copy and paste this shit. Oh, large amounts of voice acting generally. Imo, would make a better SP game than MP. I loved system shock but dys has a nicer, more 'real' environment to play host to all the guns 'n' shit. Oh yeh, no damn zombies getting goo in the electrics
Gusdor said:
You are decribing a 'concept' there, not an execution.
Not really - I'm describing what happens when I play it. I find it thouroughly enjoyable. It is tactical, because of the relationship between objectives in meatspace and triggers in cyberspace.
So you were correcting that other dude based on your opinion of the gameplay? Go go gadget self-importance :p

I didnt say it wasnt tactical, or engaging for that matter, just that there are both known issues with gameplay and raving fanboys around to deny then without consideration
Im sorry, i just cant get on board with folks saying hands down that its 100% awesome, as it isnt perfect by a long way
Gusdor said:
So you were correcting that other dude based on your opinion of the gameplay? Go go gadget self-importance :p
I merely stated that I disagree. Opinion ftw.
Gusdor said:
Im sorry, i just cant get on board with folks saying hands down that its 100% awesome, as it isnt perfect by a long way
You should save your opinions on v1 for when it's released.

Honestly, people living in glass mod houses shouldn't throw stones :p
I think dystopia is bloody marvelous, but obviously the general public does not agree. We may have come to a stage in online gaming where the team fotress-concept just wont cut it. Afaik all previous tf-clones for the unreal series and quake series have flopped relatively speaking even though a lot of excellent work was done on them.

It seems that if it doesn't feel semirealistic then people do not want to play it. Which is a shame.

boglito said:
We may have come to a stage in online gaming where the team fotress-concept just wont cut it.
Teddy said:
You should save your opinions on v1 for when it's released.

Honestly, people living in glass mod houses shouldn't throw stones :p
The very fact that you are working on v1 states that it isnt perfect - at least by your, the devloper's vision. Ill put my statement a little blunter shall I? I cant stand the raging ****ing fanboys. It happens on the forums for the mod im part of aswell. People who blindly say its 100% awesome while we're scratching our heads trying to fix blatent errors :p That a little better communicated?
Gusdor said:
Ill put my statement a little blunter shall I? I cant stand the raging ****ing fanboys. It happens on the forums for the mod im part of aswell. People who blindly say its 100% awesome while we're scratching our heads trying to fix blatent errors :p That a little better communicated?
Sure, i have no idea how that relates to this thread however.

Seems to be you just got a bone to pick, or you're a troll.
Hehe cool, did you play NS too?

:p Koulers, Zephos
Tainted for the absolute win! Dystopia is the best 'current' mod for HL2. I say current because of Black Mesa, Sven2 and NS2.

We beat the Dev team, and we'll do it again... hopefully.