
if someone could post links to the Rage vids, that would be appreciated.
One thing about Rage, and this went for Doom 3 as well, I think that when you are struck by an enemy, it should slow down your movement momentarily. Not just a minor hit, but like the critical hits should emulate you being a little stunned by slowing you for a moment. Because as you can see from the guy playing, it just all feels disconnected. Enemies are jumping around and it seems like god mode; obviously it isn't from the blood splats, but besides the visual handicap, it doesn't seem like you are being hurt or punished in any way for being hit. I guess it can knock your aim off, but your player doesn't seem encumbered, stunned, or actually hurt.
No DE: Human Revolution.


I wonder what this means in regards to the development schedual. I was assuming it was going to be a winter/spring 2011 release, which would make you think that they'd show something for the gameplay at the last E3 it will get before release. Hopefully its not behind schedule, and hopefully its not just sucking so hard they don't want to show it.
Looks pretty cool. I like the feel of the guns. They seem balanced, and movements not sluggish like a lot of shooters recently.

The guys talking are pretty obnoxious though. "huahhuahua oh my gawd, I still can't believe what im looking at huahuahua" Oh shut up you knob. Its not that good.
Yeah it's very fast and smooth. Pretty impressive feat on a console considering the graphic quality.

I was wondering if he is some kind of expert ladder climber that doesn't need to use his hands.

EDIT: It looks better than I remembered it after watching it yesterday.
Im sensing a bit of a Quake 2 feel to it, which is good. But i wish ID would go back to being gods of gibbing. Remember in Q2 when you got that double barreled shotgun and you blew everyone into piles of guts and blood? THATS what i want.
You can't please everyone. I personally liked the gibbing in D3 but I was always surprised how many people wanted to disable it (which was very easily done).

I mean, I know you aren't referring to D3.. anyway.
Looks pretty cool. I like the feel of the guns. They seem balanced, and movements not sluggish like a lot of shooters recently.

That sluggish movement is what I like to call "Halo Syndrome" or "Console Syndrome." It's where they slow down movements of everything in the game so console gamers can move their slow ass targeting cursors around without flying off the screen. Nothing is fast anymore. I miss my twitch Unreal Tournaments and such.
Are you anti gibbing? Is that what you are trying to say?

No, gibs are great. I meant, we won the E3 best game of show. Tee hee.

That sluggish movement is what I like to call "Halo Syndrome" or "Console Syndrome." It's where they slow down movements of everything in the game so console gamers can move their slow ass targeting cursors around without flying off the screen. Nothing is fast anymore. I miss my twitch Unreal Tournaments and such.

What, like Gears of War? Because I want to feel like a strained 300 pound man with The Large when I'm running around, it completes the immersion.
What, like Gears of War? Because I want to feel like a strained 300 pound man with The Large when I'm running around, it completes the immersion.

Gears of war especially... I mean no one fights in slow motion. Gunfights and battles in general are about speed and manuevering rather than lumbering around feeling like you're shooting a 16 inch cannon everytime you move yourself. Call of Duty 1 and 2 (more so one) were the last games I've played that really upheld the frantic pacing of battle.
While I'm no big fan of being a giant lumbering bullet magnet, I like to feel like my character has some weight to him. Rage makes it look like you're bouncing around like a goddamn ping pong ball.
I meant, we won the E3 best game of show. Tee hee.
Congratulations, that's awesome as shit. This is one of the few games that I find interesting anymore. Besides a few indie games, I haven't bought a game in several years.

I feel really bad about that post I made earlier. I was complaining about problems that I was remembering from a year old video of Rage. I just remember that old video so clearly that... my mind did some weird shit and remembered the new video wrong. fixed'd.
Nothing happens. Lame. I don't get why people like these touch screen phones and shit at all.
Nothing happens. Lame. I don't get why people like these touch screen phones and shit at all.
Fine, go back to your Modern Warfare then. Its alright, a lot of people have trouble handling intelligent gameplay.
How is any of that "intelligent" gameplay? Please tell me what was going on in that video. I whould really like to know. Man **** your Ipod.
Fine, go back to your Modern Warfare then. Its alright, a lot of people have trouble handling intelligent gameplay.

The game looks nice but if you buy an ipad for it and you're not obscenely rich then you might lose some respect points from me.
How is any of that "intelligent" gameplay? Please tell me what was going on in that video. I whould really like to know. Man **** your Ipod.
I only mean that it appeals to sensibilities that are not as base as twitch games and shooters do. The sense of wonder and exploration and mystery and fantastic atmosphere are things that really get me going and to see them done so simply but so perfectly astounds and engages me more than any of these high-tech shooters ever could. The touch screen functionality is not what does it for me; it just goes with the medium.

In terms of the iPad, it would clearly be terrific for a lot more than just this game, but you guys are right: frankly I just can't afford one (esp. if I want to get an iPhone4 when my contract is up next February). My current iPhone has been invaluable and is without a doubt my favorite piece of kit in the last few years (well, tied with the PS3). And much like the PS3, it only does EVERYTHING. :O
Alma's contractions cause nuclear explosions? O____o

Being a very powerful psychic that can defy death, I wouldn't be surprised. Remember in the Akira series when the powerful psychic child Akira kinda lost it and his psychic energy demolished Tokyo, almost like a nuke?
The sense of wonder and exploration and mystery and fantastic atmosphere ...

I hope you've played Metroid Prime - it does all those things you've mentioned better than any other game.

I agree about Sword and Sworcery btw, looks lovely. Not buy an ipad for lovely, but not too far off. Oh, not related, but Secret of Mana is headed for the iphone. And there was much rejoicing :cheers:



I thought that was a highlight, to be honest

Nintendo has a licence to be embarrassingly charming

Shiggy with a sword and shield, anybody?
I hope you've played Metroid Prime - it does all those things you've mentioned better than any other game.
Oh yes, I completely agree. Was skeptical at first but did an amazing job of sucking you into that universe.

Oh, not related, but Secret of Mana is headed for the iphone. And there was much rejoicing :cheers:


Definitely. Another HUGE win for the iPhone. SoM is still one of the best games of that or any other generation. And so I then assume you have seen this as well. I have thought that this is the PERFECT medium for this game anyway since I got the thing. This is definitely a day 1 buy for me. AMAZING game. One of the all-time greats.

Oh yes, I completely agree. Was skeptical at first but did an amazing job of sucking you into that universe.

Definitely. Another HUGE win for the iPhone. SoM is still one of the best games of that or any other generation. And so I then assume you have seen this as well. I have thought that this is the PERFECT medium for this game anyway since I got the thing. This is definitely a day 1 buy for me. AMAZING game. One of the all-time greats.


Why not for Android. I buy that shit in a hartbeat! *look sat my 2 copies for PS1, Downloaded copy on PS3....*
I thought that was a highlight, to be honest

Nintendo has a licence to be embarrassingly charming

Shiggy with a sword and shield, anybody?

they were the highlights tbh, i saw like 30 mins of the whole conferences and each year gets weirder and weirder
And so I then assume you have seen this as well. I have thought that this is the PERFECT medium for this game anyway since I got the thing.

Nice - I didn't know about that :)

My concern with Mana is no co-op support - is it too much to hope for 3 player online??
Yeah, there are only 2 things I found remotely interesting from E3 this year. The Nintendo 3DS (but not really the games, unfortunately), and id Software's 'Rage', but I was already interested in that game before-hand.

Note, I didn't watch the conferences, I'm only going by what I read in about 10 news articles regarding E3, and from what is talked about on these forums.