Eternal Silence 3.2 Available This Friday


Jul 2, 2007
Reaction score
Newest version of Eternal Silence mod will be available this Friday on Steam. Thanks to agreement with Valve mod will receive SteamWorks treatment - free automatic updates and it will be downloadable via Steam. This update will contain 9 maps as well as 3 new game types. You should also expect many improvements on infantry combat.[br]
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You can view Eternal Silence website here.
Excellent, I put off getting this mod because the previous version seemed less good and had no players on and I had to manually download and install, the Steam treatment should be mandatory for all good mods and its nice to see ES getting it and looking like its improving.
Does it look like potentially the best mod developed on Source or what?

If you are a server admin, follow the instructions on our front page to get the dedicated server (HLDS Update Tool with game:"esmod"). Tomorrow will slam all the servers we have, so we need your help.
Awesome, that's one of the mods I was looking forward to installing now that I have a new computer.
Ooh, snazzy lookin! I will be trying it out this time.
About bloody time !! We were expecting this steamworks update over a month ago.

Their update awhile back was good but just lacked content with only 2 maps. They lost their player count quickly when it was apparent there wasn't enough to keep players around. This time, it's quite different and it seems as if we are gonna get a full blown game now.

Seemed like a real solid shooter though. I was very very impressed with both the infantry combat and space combat. You would think one suck and the other would be good, but, nay. Both are quite good.

Anyways Download Eternal Silence Guys. A great mod that very much deserves Steamworks support and some play time for sure.

Time for me to bust out the Logitech Controller!
Joystick not necessary. We turn the mouse into a virtual joystick for you. It's a little harder to do barrel rolls, but it makes aiming easier. A lot of our best pilots are mouse and keyboard people!
Hey MadMechwarrior, it's nice to see you :)

When files will be avaible for everyone you should be able to install ES by clicking this link.
I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but a server browser issue with the Steam version of the game has forced us to push release back to next week.

Sure hope the infantry combat was really improved, it was really my only gripe with the mod.
We need a new headline "Eternal Silence 3.2 Available Later Today (for real this time)"