Extreme Low blood pressure

So the conclusive result is that VirusType2 is, in fact, a potato fiend.

I never knew vegetables could be so destructive. (This is a lie, they cause blunt trauma at high speeds)

Potato chips... french fries.


Crisps... chips.

I start ****ing rape humping my office furniture while I eat potato chips. Like straight having my way with them.
So now that Virus is fine, can we turn this into a Potato recipe thread? I ****ing love potatoes.
Potatoes are overrated, methinks.
Shit, and here I was about to say "See a Doctor." Now all I have to show for this thread is an 8 foot tall cannon that will chuck a spud through 1/2inch plywood.
I prefer sweet taties. Get your spud gun to launch one of those into my mouth, and we'll be bffs.
Higlac, shoot your load into McGoo's mouth as he has requested.
My step brother made a potato cannon. That bitch is powerful as a mother****er. He shot it like a 1/4 mile away at a huge tree; it hit it hard as **** and the potato absolutely exploded.