F.E.A.R. single-player demo to be released this Friday

:cheers: Just got back from playing the demo. You guys are really in for a treat, trust me. This is the ****in demo, it's more scarier than Doom III itself. 'Nuff said.

This game is pretty much a systems and graphics hog. I ran everything on high and it was laggy as shit, but still playable. Well, not so bad, but still.

The firefights are truly intense. The AI is freakin' awesome. Best AI i've ever seen in FPS, i'm serious. They dodge, really seek cover... crawl under shit... throw grenades from far distances, trust me in a really tactical way too. The NPC's are really a challenge.

This game innovates how Horror/FPS are supposed to be... I was scared to shit a lot of the times. Espescially at the end of the demo... play it through, you WILL ENJOY IT!

The playthrough is pretty quick, not too quick... it's enough to atleast satisfy to label it as a game you'd want to wait for.

Oh and, I know the previous post was kidding he played the demo. But, i'm pretty sure there are no gibs, so no blowing-heads-off. I could be wrong though.

I'll tell you this, when you first start to play... you don't go by helicopter insertion. That is all.
ailevation said:
:cheers: Just got back from playing the demo. You guys are really in for a treat, trust me. This is the ****in demo, it's more scarier than Doom III itself. 'Nuff said.

This game is pretty much a systems and graphics hog. I ran everything on high and it was laggy as shit, but still playable. Well, not so bad, but still.

The firefights are truly intense. The AI is freakin' awesome. Best AI i've ever seen in FPS, i'm serious. They dodge, really seek cover... crawl under shit... throw grenades from far distances, trust me in a really tactical way too. The NPC's are really a challenge.

This game innovates how Horror/FPS are supposed to be... I was scared to shit a lot of the times. Espescially at the end of the demo... play it through, you WILL ENJOY IT!

The playthrough is pretty quick, not too quick... it's enough to atleast satisfy to label it as a game you'd want to wait for.

I'll tell you this, when you first start to play... you don't go by helicopter insertion. That is all.

You finshed it?
Nabobalis said:
How long it take u? Also what computer specs you got?

Took me about 20 minutes.

Pentium 4 3.2C
1 Gig Corsair
x800 Pro

I exgaggerated wit the "Laggy as shit" But it was pretty slow sometimes, I said that because it's the worst than all my other PC games.
I cannot stand it.. I have yet to get my download started.. This is pissing me off.
Damnation, ive got a 9800.

Well it looks like im gonna be upgrading.
I'm liking it so far. It's not that scary but it's pretty hard, if you don't use cover and your Slow Mo you'll die pretty quick. You're not invincible like in most FPS's today. The gun recoils quite a lot.
torrent is going at 8kb/sec with no seeds...fileplanet queue refuses to budge...3dgamers queue refuses to budge...gamespot servers are full...gamershell servers are full...someone help. :(
Just finished it... it's not very long.

Graphics are awesome, but the controls/gameplay take some getting used to.

The rail gun (whatever it was, 1 shot kill) is friggin' awesome too. I'll probably take 4AA/8AF down a bit when I replay it again (I'm on a 3.0Ghz P4, 1GB, GeForce 6800GT, and the game lags a bit in open areas and when entering a new room)

Pretty impressive...
ailevation said:
Took me about 20 minutes.

Pentium 4 3.2C
1 Gig Corsair
x800 Pro

I exgaggerated wit the "Laggy as shit" But it was pretty slow sometimes, I said that because it's the worst than all my other PC games.

Welp, I'm guessing this is one of those "Requires top of the line PC" games...
Hows it run with everything on low?
finished it... that was amazing.......... great now it's a must buy and i'm broke, holy shit that was soooo cool! :( i'm playing it again tonight so I can piss my pants

/me is gamespot complete member
the demo completely rocks, if you've got the hardware here's your chance to show off, damn, i cannot wait for this game, i'll be playing this over and over all night
I feel kind of sorry for those peeps who're taking 7 hours to download the game. There's only 10 to 15 minutes worth of gameplay, if that.

I don't know if a demo is worthy of spoilers but I'll post it as one:

The dream sequence/psychic vision at the end reminded me very much of the Max Payne dream sequences
Finished playing it. Downloaded from Sierra FTP, took one hour to finish downloading.
Pauly said:
Omg im scared- I think im about half-way through

It's scary?!

I'm easily scared so, yeah.
Done downloading! Woot.
Very nice, a little too short though.

It got some pretty scary moments...
Like when you are about to climb down a ladder (pretty near the end of the demo), when you grab and watch back, the girl stands there laughing... Pretty scary.

Ran pretty decent on my computer though. I had the textures on medium, 2x AA and Trilinear filtering.
Very neat slow-mo effect though!
There was plenty of poop-your-pants moments in that :eek:

That was great! :O
There's a few torrents I've seen but they've got nearly 2000 leechers :O
While it's installing,
Would you say the demo has any replay value?
Hows the AI?!
xlucidx said:
While it's installing,
Would you say the demo has any replay value?
Hows the AI?!
The AI is pretty good.

I'd play it again.
Over all I would say it was a very good demo. The AI really was quite good, and they force you to rely on tactics, as you can only carry 3 weapon, while there are several total in just the demo. It pained me to not be able to carry them all. :( Also, it was (in my opinion) scarier than doom 3, but in a different way. While doom 3 had cheap frights by having things jump out, this game is just more creepy.

On a final note, it really is tough on the graphics card. I have a 5950 Ultra and it was semi-playable at medium settings at 1024x768. There was even one room that was completely unplayable due to the number of lights in the room. Could this be the end of me being able to play games decently? :(
The AI is awesome, I had to come and post after my last battle. After dying a few times (playing on the hardest setting) on one part, I approached the situation in a similar fashion, but this time threw a grenade between two enemies. The enemy to the right of the grenade purposely dove headlong through a window, shattering the glass and rolling into the next room to avoid the nade. He then crouched (so I couldn't hit him through the other windows), ran through the small room and opened fire on me through the glass window in the connecting door.

This event didn't appear to be scripted, because in the previous firefights (even when using nades) he didn't try and dive away like that. That one moment sold me on the game's AI, and they always seem to react realistically. They duck behind boxes, throw nades at just the right time (when you're reloading), and spray your position with bullets while their allies move between cover. I'm really impressed so far, gotta get back to it!

I've played through it twice, once on Medium Difficulty and again on Hard. I've started it again on Extreme. The only problem is the demo is really short (even for a demo), like a few rooms. The A.I. is pretty good and they'll jump over/crawl under obstacles. As far as scary, there's a couple of jumpy bits at the end of the demo but I was never really afraid to go down a certain corridor or into a certain room.