F.E.A.R. single-player demo to be released this Friday

*edit* Oops, didn't know a company split off and renamed the engine, my post is below.
I don't know the name of the engine but it's very similar to DooM 3's engine although the textures appear to be higher res. The performance isn't as good as DooM 3's engine though, which is probably the trade off for having higher resolution textures.
I really enjoy scary games, but for me, I have to want to be scared. If I play in a well-lit room during the day, and other people are around, nothing seems to be scary. However, I'm playing FEAR in the dark on purpose, in a quiet room by myself. I plugged in my expensive Sennheisers (lots of bass, great, creepy 3D sound) and cranked up the volume.

So far I'm crapping my pants. I'm not through the demo, but there are some definitely freaky sounds and scenes to check out. I'm all about immersing myself in a scary world, gonna buy this gem when it hits the shelves.

I finished it :D. It was a tad short- could of been another 5 minutes. i enjoyed teh AI a lot and the debri/physic system- very fun combat and challenging some times.
OMG i i jumped when the girl was at the ladder, but then i jumped more when the i came down and looked and so the soldier come towards then disappear to me...
Better scares in here than doom3 :D. Im sooo happy :D

Installing............. Right Now :d
staticprimer said:
So was I the only one who killed a guy by shooting a fire extinguiser?

I killed myself by shooting a fire extinguisher, does that count?
staticprimer said:
So was I the only one who killed a guy by shooting a fire extinguiser?

Cool I want to try that now.:naughty:
Okay just found out that when Monolith was making the engine it was Lithtech, howeverit seems that TouchDown Entertainment is some people who broke off from Monolith to focus solely on working on the engine.


It's apparently just called the Fear 3D Engine for now, most likely it will be renamed later.

Q&A about engine... Note they talk about the Jupiter engine, which is the Tron 2.0 game engine.
Fun, creepy, good graphics (putting lighting/shadow options to low/off dramatically increases performance), but too short :p

From the demo, looks like it will be a good game!
BAH! Can't play.

A Required Security Module can not be activated. This program can not be executed.


Any solutions? I've seen some other people with the same problem.
Pauly said:
hey gorgon, hows it been :D. Have not seen you in a while.

LOL fine thanks. I m always here :D

I have a problem guys. I got the demo. Double clicked on the icon and it does not run ???????????????????? :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
is the demo the same level as the GDC 2005 Video ?
Hhmmm maybe its to do with my overclocked system.

/me set th CPU to default and the memory from 250 --> 200FPS
53% done, it won't be done by the time I go to work :( So I guess I better do this when I get home. ;) Hopefully my roomate doesn't play it beforehand. Better find a way to hide the EXE or something.
Game runs like shit whenever there's lighting in a room.
Runs like a dream when there isn't.

So, far even with shit performance.
I'm getting nervous and pissing myself.

Just finished the demo, pretty impressive. Definitely convinced me to run out and buy the full version the morning it's released. Of course, after playing and loving the MP beta a few months ago, the graphics are still amazing but it's not like playing a game you've never seen. Kinda how HL2 was after already seeing Source in action in the CS:S beta.

After replaying the demo a bit, the AI continued to impress. I love how enemies run at you and leap over railings, dropping 5-10 feet to a better attack position. The fire is amazing, spark effects are great, smoke, 3D bullet hole decals. The water... whoa. Water beats out HL2 as far as I'm concerned, it's really great how you can make the surface ripple in 3D with each shot, and the splash and resulting foam effects are incredible.

And of course bullet-time :) I'm a Matrix/Payne junkie, can never get enough great slow-mo action scenes.

Did not fooking run the installation process.

Dam it.
We're all getting crappy framerates on High settings, it's pretty clear that this game was meant to be played on lower settings on current-gen machines, and higher settings on the next wave of procs and vid cards. Personally, I prefer that, as there's something to look forward to in replaying the game a year or two later.

That's not to say it looks at all bad on low settings. In fact, with everything set to low except a few essentials like water and 3D decals, it still looks better than Doom 3 on high settings. Try messing with the settings a bit until you're getting 40-60fps and I bet you'll still love the graphics.

Mine played like 80+fps on all high. but then again i have the top of the line pc.
I wish I could disable the FPS-raping light effects.
God damn.
I walk into a lit up room and my computer comes to a crawl ffs.
wow, download canceled at 57%..now I gotta find somewhere else to download than Gamershell..

Looks like im in the same boat as you guys, another re-DL
Hey, couldn't read the full thread (it's impossible ;)), so... two questions:

1) how does the game run on a computer similar to mine (in sig)?
2) can someone post screenshots of how the game looks in low and medium detail settings?

Thanks in advace!
Well it will prolly run like Poop, similar to mine, cept ive got a 64 XP 3000+ processor
xlucidx said:
I wish I could disable the FPS-raping light effects.
God damn.
I walk into a lit up room and my computer comes to a crawl ffs.

You can. You rig will take a big hit from shadows and volumetric lighting. Pop those down to low (don't worry, still looks great on low) and your fps will rise considerably.

Yeah many people are having the same problem as mine, they can't run the demo at the installation step. Double click the icon and nothing happen. I just check with the official forums.

The final product will have all bugs fixed. FOOK :angry:

The gun you get off the big guy who smashes through the door (lots of armour) impales people!
Gorgon said:
Yeah many people are having the same problem as mine, they can't run the demo at the installation step. Double click the icon and nothing happen. I just check with the official forums.

The final product will have all bugs fixed. FOOK :angry:

I installed it fine, but then I go to run the demo and it gives me an unresponsive bluescreen! WTF? Anyone else have this problem?
Managed to get a spot in a gamershell server, waited ages for it to finish because the server was being hammered and then the setup.exe doesn't work...excellent!:rolleyes: