Farcry 3

If you're fighting the privateers, there are a number of outposts with overlooking cliffsides. If you're playing on Survivor, there's only one smart way to take out large outposts.

Assess how many enemies and what types with the camera.
Scope out how many buildings and what materials they are made of, whether they can burn
Search for any ammo dumps lying around.
Have 12 molotovs.
Bombard ammo dumps and buildings and any open grassy areas with molotovs or flares to confine or kill any enemies within the area.
Wingsuit into any snipers or behind heavies (provided you have Heavy Beatdown).
Snipe or otherwise run around and smack any alarm boxes when possible.
Release any animals.
DO NOT ENGAGE DIRECTLY IN OPEN GROUND until presence of snipers and heavies has been minimized.

Then see how much ammo and health you conserve.
Whoop. Yes. I keep getting them mixed up. Whichever the hardest one is. Haven't played a game that was so satisfyingly difficult, but fair in a while.
I have to agree, I was hoping for a whole bunch of different weapons, maybe have some secret weapons that are hidden throughout the island or something. With all the AK ammo around everyone is pretty much just going to run with that most of the time for convenience.
I beat it on hardest and didnt have an issue taking over outposts getting full points. C4 with some stealth and a silenced sniper or silenced sniper/assault rifle for stragglers.
I have to agree, I was hoping for a whole bunch of different weapons, maybe have some secret weapons that are hidden throughout the island or something. With all the AK ammo around everyone is pretty much just going to run with that most of the time for convenience.
The AK doesn't actually use separate ammo. You can use pretty much any rifle and pick up an AK to refill.

this just in Ubi: women usually don't get pregnant from ****ing once
Funny I was thinking the same thing when I watched that ending on youtube (I saved my friends in game).
It was so hilariously overboard and stupid, my ending, that I literally spent the last five minutes CRACKING up. Not even high. It was just so, so stupid.

Despite this, I'll be writing a full review because this is, by a long shot, my GOTY for 2012. For every shortcoming there's something amazing and hybridized in a very entertaining and gorgeous way.

The game simplifies what a lot of shooters with RPG elements make me waste my time with. Streamlines a lot. Cuts a lot of bullshit. Not all, but quite a bit.

No other game this year has had me so engaged. Sleeping Dogs is now a close second.

I think thus far, Far Cry 3 is one of a kind. It bested its genre and then kicked some sand on it to boot.

Spoiler review Pt. 1: (WIP)

HAVING to kill Liza at knife point with the ceremonial dagger was ****ing hilariously unnecessary.

At least give me a REASON to slice open Liza's throat instead of just letting her leave on the boat. You get a ****ing prompt to do it. A goddamn QTE style prompt - yet, you have no ****ing option. What the hell is the point there?

You never even hear if it's Citra's actual ultimatum. Absolutely absurd. But I'm sort of willing to forgive it because of the game which precedes those moments.

While rescuing my friends and family was largely dumb as hell - as they were forgettable ****s. I did like Riley and his punk-ass friend. And Grant. But we all know how it went with Grant.

So, I decided to **** Citra, Of course. She's hot and I like "going native". But that ending bit me in the ass hard. Classic shitty bipolar endings.

I was expecting Apocalypse Now. Or at least a Spec-Ops style thoughtful and intriguing ending. Instead I... slit my girlfriend's throat and get murdered after finally getting laid by the game's largest sex symbol?

I'm sorry, that needs fleshing out. That's stupid. That's not some kind of deep plot mechanism that will keep me thinking. Talk about trying too hard. It just felt all sorts of dumb.

I LOVED a lot of the natives: the addicted doctor, Buck, Dennis (sometimes...) and a LOT of the supporting cast - I wanted to see more about them.

Of course my favorite is Vaas Montenegro. His voice acting and spirit as a character are the greatest kind of villainy. I want DLC where I play as Vaas NAO. Hoyt was pretty boring and one-dimensional. I don't see any reason for his existing other than them trying to make the game feel more Hollywood (in the worst possible way).

Killing Vass and Hoyt was anti-climatic and stupid. Voss is a ****ing star. Brilliant acting, brilliant personality, brilliant everywhere for a game character and they just pawned him off as some insignificant idiot working for a slave driver when in reality he would be a brilliant villain for a goddamn FC3 canonical trilogy - that's how much I liked him.

That's my lil' opinion on finishing the main story and some of the semantics. More on the shooting and non-plot elements later when I post a full review.

Also this is one of the first games I've seen take a mature stance on a lot of drug and human trafficking issues. That's not to say it made much of one - but at least it didn't turn into AMERICA, EF YEAH.
I agree with everything, but about Vass especially. He seemed to me like the main villain of the game. Hoyt you barely even hear about until you get to the other island. Vass should've been the endgame, not Hoyt. I forgot about Hoyt so many times in the first island and was actually sad that I killed Vass and the game kept going without him. He was awesome.

Favorite characters were Grant, Riley, and Buck. (and of course Vass)
I agree with everything, but about Vass especially. He seemed to me like the main villain of the game. Hoyt you barely even hear about until you get to the other island. Vass should've been the endgame, not Hoyt. I forgot about Hoyt so many times in the first island and was actually sad that I killed Vass and the game kept going without him. He was awesome.

Quite easily one of the best characters, if not THE best, Ubi Montreal has ever penned. Brilliantly written, animated and voice acted. Total man-crush. I agree with you 100%.

Don't get me started on how disappointed I was when the primary villain becomes some boring business tycoon CEO ****, so, so boring. By that time I was simply playing because the scripting was getting great and Citra and her people were fascinating to me.
This is the one time I would've been ok with a Michael Myers type deal where somehow you didn't kill him and he shows up halfway through the second island or something.
This is the one time I would've been ok with a Michael Myers type deal where somehow you didn't kill him and he shows up halfway through the second island or something.

Well, here's the thing. There's a chance Vass ISN'T dead. Watch very carefully.
It is believed by many, if not most, that Vaas never died. This is however only speculation. There is of course more proof leading to his death than him surviving.

There are several theories about Vaas still being alive:

First is that Vaas and Jason never really fought. When attacking Vaas, Jason is stabbed by a knife, he then falls to the floor. The player can see Vaas walking away. It is possible that Vaas drugged Jason and left, leaving him in a dream battle.

Another theory is that Vaas survived the stabbing. The fact that he stares into Jason’s eyes in the end can be a hint. However, Vaas is confirmed dead by Citra. Some players still believe that he is alive because his body is never shown. If given some thought, Citra had good reasons to lie to Jason, as well as Vaas had a good reason to maybe fake his death.

Another possibility is that Jason never left the temple after drinking the mysterious potion from Citra and that the fight with Vaas was just a dream, like the battle with the giant. This would also explain how Jason survived the stabbing from Vaas.

This is all speculation, for now the official story is that Vaas died.

The underline is probably the best one imo. Bolded part gives it the most credibility. I was really wondering how you'd survive a knife to the heart. Gives me hope for a sequel!
I think a great revenge plot is in order where he could sociopathically amass an army far greater than what Hoyt organized
I think sequel is in order. I really hope they move a ton of units over time. FC 2 was OK, this game is bloody brilliant.
I think sequel is in order. I really hope they move a ton of units over time. FC 2 was OK, this game is bloody brilliant.
Agreed, agreed, agreed.

I have this list of games, about 15 games that I have to beat. Some have been on there for months. I got Far Cry 3 and beat it in two days. Keep in mind, I did EVERYTHING aside from collecting all the letters and relics (I collected enough to unlock the sig weapons though). I played the shit out of this game, it gripped me like no game has in a long time. It was a good one, for sure.
Ditto. I'm still playing a ton of SP and fiddling with the MP - which is actually quite a bit of fun. Though obviously with SP games of this sort it's nothing astounding. No worries though, had no effect on the beauteous SP.
Am I the only one astounded by the stability of the performance and fluidity of the game engine? I feel like nobody has managed to make a game feel so fluid and grounded in such a large world.

PC master race here, though.
Eh, it actually ran a little crummy on my PC. Well not crummy, but I had to turn antialiasing off because that BOGGED my system right the hell down, and also a few other things like terrain, shadow, etc on medium instead of high to get a constant ~50 fps average.. You could barely notice the different in looks, but still. My system is over the recommended system requirements, easily.
Odd, ran great for me. Felt almost as fluid as source yet as open as FC2.
These are from ubisoft, the recommended settings:

PROCESSOR: Intel® Core®i3-530 @ 2.9 GHz or better, AMD™ Phenom™II X2 @ 3.1 GHz or better
VIDEO CARD: 1024 MB DirectX® 11.0 compliant card with Shader Model 5.0 or higher. NVidia™ 480 or better, AMD™ HD 5770 or better

I have:

PROCESSOR: AMD Phenom II x4 Black Edition (Quad Core) @ 3.2GHz
VIDEO CARD: AMD Radeon 1gb HD 6870

I should have been able to run it maxed out.
Recommended hardware doesn't necessarily mean max settings.

Example: Arma 2 reccommended specs:
Optimal PC Requirements

  • CPU: Intel Core 2.8 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ or faster
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT / ATI Radeon 4850 with Shader Model 3 and 512 MB VRAM or faster
  • OS: Windows XP or Vista

I will laugh in your face if you try to run ARMA 2 on max with any of that hardware.
All underestimated. For performance and optimal looks i5 quad or better, 8gb ddr3, and a 7x or 600 series Nvidia/AMD

But ArmA is not meant to run like FC3 or CS or whatever. FPS isn't that important there.
FPS is (slightly) less important, yeah. But on Max settings, with that listed hardware, it will be utterly unplayable.
Yea I don't play ARMA 2 on max, that's retarded.

Either way, I should be able to run FC3 at next to max. Which I can, but it's the antialiasing that ruins me. Like it's HUGE. I can go at 50FPS without it, once I turn it on it's like 8-10FPS.
I hope you're playing it on the hardest difficulty. On the second island it doesn't really **** around and even with full upgrades I got killed quite a few times. The only upgrade I think they should take away is when you can heal yourself without med syringes. It would make me actually want to craft med syringes and they'd have a use. I didn't craft one syringe aside from maybe 5 in the whole game, because I didn't need to.

I agree about there not being enough side stuff to do. I really had no incentive to explore outside the side quests, even then I wouldn't explore I'd just do what I had to do then leave. But the statues are just a collectable, who cares what they are? It's something to gather and get experience. No different from the letters.

Now about the bandit camps, I noticed they are all the same if you run in guns blazing. But if you actually use stealth, you can tell that each and every one was designed very carefully. They were done well. You aren't getting the most out of the game if you aren't utilizing the stealth mechanic, which they did a great job with. The "tactics" in FC2 were non existant. No stealth, no nothing. Just a standard FPS fare. I have no clue what you're talking about there. The guns are fine as well, what's the issue with those?

That being said, it's funny how you'd rather give the GOTY to Borderlands 2. Seriously? BL2? That game is totally overrated beyond belief. FC3 blows it out of the water and past the moon, imo.
]HAVING to (...) was ****ing hilariously unnecessary.

At least give me a REASON to (...) you have no ****ing option. What the hell is the point there?

Not sure what you mean here, you can click the other mouse button and not do it.

I really like the game, but agree with ZT to a point. There should've been some extra stuff to encounter in the game, that would make exploring rewarding, instead of having almost everything of interest marked on your map, once you disable a radio tower in a given area. The game starts great and stays that way for a few hours, but does get slightly stale a bit later on. It is too easy as well - I usually play games on normal, but switched to hard halfway through. Money and XP is earned too quickly IMHO.

That being said, I definitely got my money's worth and will definitely roam around the island some more. I left myself a few camps on the Southern Island to ensure I have a supply of enemies to mess with. As Dog-- said - the outposts are done in a pretty clever way - at first I though that I'd probably be able to quietly snipe people from afar each time and there would be no challenge. But the outposts often do have quite a bit of cover, so just sniping everyone from one spot is not possible.

One more thing that I was slightly disappointed with - the physics. It seems Far Cry 1 had the most 'interactive' world. Here you can shoot a plastic chair and it won't move. Not that it affects gameplay a lot, but still.
That being said, it's funny how you'd rather give the GOTY to Borderlands 2. Seriously? BL2? That game is totally overrated beyond belief. FC3 blows it out of the water and past the moon, imo.

I don't agree, Far Cry 3 and Borderlands 2 are equals as far as quality is concerned, imo.
Thing with Borderlands is, from what I heard the DLC substantially improved the original game. I'm not too sure what the impact of downloadable content will be on the sequel, but it may generate roughly the same level of improvement.

As far as Far Cry 3 being stale, I have to admit, it did start to feel that way not even ten hours in. The main missions helped keep things interesting, but the most fun I'm having in the game is hunting down the relics/lost letters. More maps that included "secret" locations would have been welcomed, in my opinion, with more of an emphasis on interior locations. Though in this regard Far Cry 3 trumps its predecessor.

All things considered though, this was one of the better games of 2012.
Really? I didn't have to do that Unfoc? I thought in order to pick that ending I had to do it.
It's fine though. It was hilarious. Them putting you in that situation on its own is still hilarious and hyperbolic.
Thing with Borderlands is, from what I heard the DLC substantially improved the original game.

I haven't touched the DLC yet, but I can assure you it needs no help from it to be my GOTY. Now, back to FC3..
I haven't touched the DLC yet, but I can assure you it needs no help from it to be my GOTY. Now, back to FC3..

To each their own. I've also read other opinions of Far Cry 3 being GOTY material. GOTY isn't really an impressive title, this year being considered as not offering very stiff competition.