Father who?????


May 19, 2003
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Whos this guy that set the booby traps in the one part of city 17? I've yet to hear anyolne mention this guy...

Sorry if someone already has :x
i think its alyx's father...cant be sure on that though.
Father Gregory - He's of course mentioned in the E3 tech demo video. Here’s the exact transcript from the video:

"this part of town has been booby-trapped by a friend of yours named Father Gregory, he’s kind of a survivalist monk. He’s left traps all over the place for you to make use of."
he was a (religious?) freedom fighter or something... but he's gone now for some reason that i can't remember
Maybe he's like the Kung Fu Vicar in Braindead? One can only hope. I Kick arse for God!
The IGN preview gives a bit more info on him. BTW, if you havent read it, do so, because it is very different from all the other previews out there .. it seems they got to see more stuff :)
I think father gregori is said to be a 'survivalist monk'

This is from the E3 video commentry. I have absolutly no idea what a 'survivalist monk' is however.....
Originally posted by derby
I think father gregori is said to be a 'survivalist monk'

This is from the E3 video commentry. I have absolutly no idea what a 'survivalist monk' is however.....

A monk who has prepared to survive in the anarchy of an anticipated breakdown of society. :)

Here is an initial render from HL2:

Basically one of those crazy people that stand on crates in the middle of NYC chanting, "THE EARTH IS GOING TO BE TAKEN OVER BY PEOPLE FROM SPACE!"
...and who would have thought that they would turn out to be correct!

they had better say he had some 'help'.. because i doubt one man set up that dumpster on easily collapsible legs.. and who hung that giant metal.. beam.. from the wire for you to shoot down... ... ... strong monk.
Maybe he used the manipulator and then leaves it to you (wow, how the hell did I think of that)
Re: asdf

Originally posted by Xelnein
they had better say he had some 'help'.. because i doubt one man set up that dumpster on easily collapsible legs.. and who hung that giant metal.. beam.. from the wire for you to shoot down... ... ... strong monk.
As someone had said before when someone said the same thing you jus did: He had God on his side. Thought it was funny.
maybe he will be able to call on the power of god to smite his fows and crush them for him!!! rainging fireballs from the sky and causing the earth to shake an stuff like that!!!

well it would be nice anyway...
Funny thing though... that IGN preview of Half-Life 2's been down since around the time of E3. (go check it for yourself, if you don't believe me.) Who knows, maybe they broke some lil' agreement with Valve and put too much info in it... heh. Did anybody happen to save it or something? Like cut+paste or screenies?
maby it has become subscibers only. the reasen why i HATE.. HAAAAAATTEEEE gamespot.
Originally posted by EVIL
maby it has become subscibers only. the reasen why i HATE.. HAAAAAATTEEEE gamespot.
Yes, this gamespot angered me when i was tryin to download some videos. I was jus about rdy to go beserk.
but I dont reallly blaim them, its a tough struggle these years to eanr eny revenue off the internet. 5 or more years ago this was easy
Originally posted by EVIL
but I dont reallly blaim them, its a tough struggle these years to eanr eny revenue off the internet. 5 or more years ago this was easy
But 5 or more years ago we didnt have hl2 videos to watch, so i didnt care heheh. Ah, all is good tho, i got the vids from good ol kazaa. Gamespot is still on my makefunof list, cause it kept the vids from me for so long.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
It's not down: http://pc.ign.com/articles/400/400985p1.html

I don't know if you're talking about this one though ...
I just read this for the first time, lots of info I didn't know of before like how they refer to the combine soldiers as a "City 17 Police Force".
If you haven't read this article yet, go read it, very interesting.
Originally posted by Sushi
I just read this for the first time, lots of info I didn't know of before like how they refer to the combine soldiers as a "City 17 Police Force".
If you haven't read this article yet, go read it, very interesting.

i think that is just an assemption. like ohh those look like police. lets call them city 17 cops
Originally posted by Dux
Maybe he's like the Kung Fu Vicar in Braindead? One can only hope. I Kick arse for God!

Actually he says "I kick ass for the lord!". I've never laughed so much in my life before I saw Braindead.
Originally posted by EVIL
i think that is just an assemption. like ohh those look like police. lets call them city 17 cops

They are a police force, just not limited to City 17.
Originally posted by A.A
Actually he says "I kick ass for the lord!". I've never laughed so much in my life before I saw Braindead.

My bad :naughty: T'as been a while since I saw it.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
They are a police force, just not limited to City 17.
Well they're not exactly a police force, as they're from an entirely different planet :) but who knows, they could be the police force of their planet, and they came to Earth to stop all the lawbreaking.
I just read this for the first time, lots of info I didn't know of before like how they refer to the combine soldiers as a "City 17 Police Force".

I bet the reason they do is that there is a screenshot with the Combina patting down a bunch of resistence people. And in the teaser, you can see a combine patting down someone up against one of their military vehicles. In fact, that's one dd thing: why would the alien force use Earthling humvees and jeeps?
Maybe when they came to earth they couldn't bring any machinery with them? that would explain them usin human weaponry too.
"Corrupted Police" Thats just bollocks.

Even tho, it does sound highly ironic. :naughty:
"Doug hoped up on the barrel and started walking. As he moved back, the barrel rolled forward; as he moved forward, the barrel rolled back."

Maybe the combine is actually a peacekeeping force, which is similar to a police force in many ways. And if they are peacekeepers, then that would likely mean that the main fighting in City 17 or even Earth is already over.
That doesn't explain why they are using Striders and Gunships to destroy the city though.

And the what about the citadel?