finally I've found my home


Feb 3, 2007
Reaction score
O.K here's the background.

I was (and still am and always will be) a huge fan of the original half life. I guess huge may not correctly address my addiction buts yeah lets just leave it at huge. I have always had an appreciation for custom mappers (though I suck at it) and have found that sometimes those add on maps were just as fun as the original. For HL1 I honestly don't think there was too man single player maps or TC's that I didn't play. And not just once either. I'm actually getting excited again thinking of playing through POKE 646, They Hunger, Azure Sheep, POV, Todesangst, heck even Wanted, or darkstar or a plethora of others.

Anyway. When HL2 came out I was of course totally pumped. Unfourtuntely my wife and I had some pretty serious budgeting issues at the time and a better PC and the cost of the game were not a priority when diapers and food needed to be bought. So I spent my free time (which is not much) replaying the HL1 games and a handfull of other I like (Warcraft series, Starcraft and a few others).

But we saved and I now have a decent system and HL2. I've spent my last couple of months finishing (and replaying) 2, lost coast, episode 1, and the source versions of the 1 series.

So now for my question: what sp maps should I be getting? I can't play multiplayer ones due to no high speed internet and to a certain extent I have always liked the SP maps better anyway. I always enjoy a great story line. Thanks in advance.
Well, unfortunately, there aren't a whole lot around yet, because HL2's mod scene is still relatively young, and only just beginning to mature. Definitely check out Adam Foster's MINERVA series (2/3 maps have been released so far), HL2: Substance, etc. There are a few other decent SP maps, Das Roboss, SMOD, etc.
The weird thing is, I've still NOT played through Das Roboss!

I need to.

Welcome to your new home. *RUN! RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!*
I haven't played Das Roboss either actually.
Minerva, Das Roboss, Pythagoras' Mistake...there was another good one but I can't remember what it was...could've been Infiltration.

On the HL1 side of things, Poke 646 2 is out, and if you have tried it pick up Someplace Else by the creator of Minerva Metastasis. Short, but really good. You can find them both here.

Enjoy your stay.
TollBooth Wille- Greatest Avatar Ever

Darkside55- is POKE 646 2 for the original HL or the HL source?
O.K here's the background.

I was (and still am and always will be) a huge fan of the original half life. I guess huge may not correctly address my addiction buts yeah lets just leave it at huge. I have always had an appreciation for custom mappers (though I suck at it) and have found that sometimes those add on maps were just as fun as the original. For HL1 I honestly don't think there was too man single player maps or TC's that I didn't play. And not just once either. I'm actually getting excited again thinking of playing through POKE 646, They Hunger, Azure Sheep, POV, Todesangst, heck even Wanted, or darkstar or a plethora of others.

Anyway. When HL2 came out I was of course totally pumped. Unfourtuntely my wife and I had some pretty serious budgeting issues at the time and a better PC and the cost of the game were not a priority when diapers and food needed to be bought. So I spent my free time (which is not much) replaying the HL1 games and a handfull of other I like (Warcraft series, Starcraft and a few others).

But we saved and I now have a decent system and HL2. I've spent my last couple of months finishing (and replaying) 2, lost coast, episode 1, and the source versions of the 1 series.

So now for my question: what sp maps should I be getting? I can't play multiplayer ones due to no high speed internet and to a certain extent I have always liked the SP maps better anyway. I always enjoy a great story line. Thanks in advance.

welcome aboard're not jewish are you?

what about black? when you look in the mirror do you feel the sudden urge to cross the street?

oh and we also dont accept mormons, aye-rabs, unitarians and people with unflinchingly annoying tendency to combine numbers with letters when posting

you're not a commie are you?
welcome aboard're not jewish are you?

what about black? when you look in the mirror do you feel the sudden urge to cross the street?

oh and we also dont accept mormons, aye-rabs, unitarians and people with unflinchingly annoying tendency to combine numbers with letters when posting

you're not a commie are you?

These, and more reasons not to venture into the Politics section, where things like this get discussed and debunked.
welcome aboard're not jewish are you?

what about black? when you look in the mirror do you feel the sudden urge to cross the street?

oh and we also dont accept mormons, aye-rabs, unitarians and people with unflinchingly annoying tendency to combine numbers with letters when posting

you're not a commie are you?

That is very un4tunate. I guess I'll have to make my home elsewhere then. 2 bad my kind aren't welcome. Oh well, maybe someday us Black, Jewish, Commies (or "Comblajews" as we call ourselves) will be accepted 4 who we are. ;(
Welcome, my fellow numbers only-

Waaaaait, you're a commie?

*gets out tazer*
A tazer? Thats all? I expected more from you numbers1
He's not even gonna have that for long... blue jolts of electricity have recently been deemed "inhumane".
*Gets out HV-AP 35mm autocannon*

That is very un4tunate. I guess I'll have to make my home elsewhere then. 2 bad my kind aren't welcome. Oh well, maybe someday us Black, Jewish, Commies (or "Comblajews" as we call ourselves) will be accepted 4 who we are. ;(

oh you're a comblajew ..why the hell didnt you say so?

welcome aboard!
That is very un4tunate. I guess I'll have to make my home elsewhere then. 2 bad my kind aren't welcome. Oh well, maybe someday us Black, Jewish, Commies (or "Comblajews" as we call ourselves) will be accepted 4 who we are. ;(

Step 2 in destroying Capitalism: Learn how to spell.
God damn you thread-reviving bastards I thought Cpt.Stern was back.
*starts blasting zombie faces*