Fire that spreads?


Aug 13, 2003
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I was under the impression that you could start a fire in Half-Life 2 and it would spread through a wooden room and to other flamable objects.
For example, blowing up a barrel in that first room in Ravenholm should have lit up the whole building and burned for a few seconds, possibly spreading down the hall a bit. Just one minor disapointment, although I still like the fire that is in the game.
You can call me a pyromaniac but I just want stuff to burn... BURN IN HELL! :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
which is why they didn't do it, because people would burn everything down, might make it too easy if theres piles of wood or stuff in your way. However, i do think they should have made items we can interact with flammable, ie: hold a mattress over a flame and you get a new weapon!
That would have been awsome, but I'm sure someone will make a mod.
I'm wondering how you actually set stuff on fire at all. The only thing that seems to burn are zombies.
I would've liked a flamethrower. Seems like a natural weapon considering how limited the resources are. Clearing out a room and seeing Combine scum run out burning and screaming would've been sweet.
well im sure you could use a current gun to do a cheap flamethrower effect.

by cheap i mean VERY cheap - assign MOUSE1 to do something like 'ent_setname whatever;wait;ent_ignite whatever' i cant remember the ignite command, is that it?

so basically if you looked at somethings and 'fired' at it, it would set on fire... lol

yeah, as i said very cheap way ;)
Death.Trap said:
I'm wondering how you actually set stuff on fire at all. The only thing that seems to burn are zombies.

That's the whole point of the thread. In the video it did spread. Valve lied with a lot of stuff.
Lied? Ever heard of the phrase 'subject to change...'? Guess not.
Crisis King said:
That's the whole point of the thread. In the video it did spread. Valve lied with a lot of stuff.

Or they decided to cut it out of the final game.
they didnt LIE they tested, people just presumed alot of stuff would be in the final game, if it didnt work with the design it got taken out...just like the blue tentacle

quit whinging ..if its been possible then it still is.
I have seen every single video, and I only ever saw it spread from explosive barrel to barrel to oxygen cylinder to petrol tank etc. Which it does in the game..
Yeah, where is this video that shows fire spreading around a room? I never saw this. That would've been handy in Ravenholm, I think I would've just burned the whole stupid town down and then climb over the ashes to get out.
Lol, total pyro ownage. "Fire in the morning, fire in the evening fire at Supper time!" Lol, I KNOW! YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO USE GASOLINE! AD A WATER GUN! SPRAY THE ZOMBIES! HAHAHA! *squirt* "haha! Just a little further... onto the match..." *PFOOM* AHAHAHA!