first model


Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
i've been a texture artist for about 6 years, but never stepped into modeling until school made me. here's my first one, i'm proud of it. what do you think?

couple of things:
*I realize i left a couple of details out, like the hood pins, time was a major issue.
*I bump mapped some of the panels with a wavy pattern to look like they were welded/rebuilt or whatever since the 60s... just a shiny new paint job.
*Oh, and the headlights used to be transparent and you could see inside them to the details, but my video card crashed and now they're solid for some stupid reason.


it's low poly, like 2 or 3 thousand. maybe it can go to vice city or something.

edit: haha wow and the reflection in the windows is off 90 degrees. oops.
Wow, pretty spiffy. However, the top view tricked me. At first I thought it was an old Vette. I love your textures. If your model was a little higher poly, you would have one hell of a model. A job well done.

you know, the buggy in hl2 has around 7000 polys, so you could up the poly count considerably and get one of the best vehicles that hl2 has ever seen
you know it already but that's some sweet work
keep improving it and it'll look amazing
haha good job there.
are you taking a computer graphic course?
well i'm a visual effects student at my college, but this is my first digital 3D class. yeah I do like it very much. hey wow, your username is like what people call me for short on this board sometimes, we'll have to make sure we don't get confused.

btw thanks everyone!!.... maybe it can go to HL2....
hehe yes, it is actually the second time you are surprised by that.
Nice work glo-boy, what program did you use?

Its "redix" from CSS. Ol school baby. :) /waves