First of Many Videos - Zombic Boom

There's plenty of other metal songs out there that would suit that video too. I can't think of any at the moment because I haven't listened to that stuff in ages but there's tons to pick from.
I muted the video beforehand, but I liked the video. What did you use for the explosions, though?
JHD536 said:
I muted the video beforehand, but I liked the video. What did you use for the explosions, though?

JBmod, and are you sure the link is borked?
What map is that? Cool vid too! The song does go with it >>
I just recorded a demo of the exact same thing as that.
I was gonna post it....
but now, this.
I hate you.
(well ok, I don't REALLY hate you but this stil sucks :()
I wish people would post more screenies instead of movies, or screeenies to go along with the movie so I wouldn't have wasted my time.
I think the link is dead or the server is 2 slow as i can't get it. Can u republish it or sommet plz?