First pics from Max Payne 2!


May 24, 2003
Reaction score
Take a look at these beautiful pictures! That's another reason why you should upgrade the computer.


that's. . . wow.

oh man... :( my wallet is already almost empty...
what to do?
think... think...

how to make money fast... hmm..
Very good graphics, but this is not Max, I mean he doesn't even look like him, or maybe he is just old :(

Now im gonna have to upgrade to a radeon 9800. I thought I would squeeze the last bit of life out of my GeForce 4 Ti 4200 with HL2, but now I have changed that decision.
Notice how they are blurred, so your eye fills in the gaps and makes them look more realistic.

Like ingame half life2, the graphics will be sharper and the textures will be brighter, lessening the realism.
Originally posted by urseus
Notice how they are blurred, so your eye fills in the gaps and makes them look more realistic.

Like ingame half life2, the graphics will be sharper and the textures will be brighter, lessening the realism.
I never thought of that before, these screens make the game look more like something you see off of tv. I bet the polycounts and texture resolutions are much lower than they appear because of the blur effect.
Maybe that'll be an effect the developers plan to implement. Have low polycounts and let the eyes do the work rather than the CPU :)
I don't think it's actually a "blur effect", but rather it being blurry because of a bad scan job taken from a Danish magazine, called PC Player.

I think actual screenshots will look really good.
Kewl pics!!, lets hope max can do some more moves in funky bullet time mode :D
It doesn't matter if Max Payne 2, or Splinter Cell 2 or STALKER look good coz we will be playing HL2 too much to pay attention to these games :)
Originally posted by henrik
that's. . . wow.

oh man... :( my wallet is already almost empty...
what to do?
think... think...

how to make money fast... hmm..

Why not speak to one of the people in south Africa that has just come accross $15 and wants your account to deposit it in.

He doesn't look anything like Max. For one thing he looks like he finally shifted that crap that had held him constipated and given him such a look of effort on his face all the time.
Originally posted by Sat
It doesn't matter if Max Payne 2, or Splinter Cell 2 or STALKER look good coz we will be playing HL2 too much to pay attention to these games :)

not really... We will still be playing other games besides HL². Definatly STALKER
he DOES looks like Bruce Campbell!!! With the continued rumours of a Payne movie could it be that the developers are tailoring Payne's looks specifically for him? Campbell as Payne would be kind of cool!
He doesn't look like Max

/me cries

I am on what I think is the last Chapter of Max Payne... I bought it on budget after my GCSEs and let me be the first to say.... I love this game.... it is involving and highly polished and at the same time manages to make you forget that you are playing a highly-scripted and linear adventure....

I dunno but these screens look a little squashed...

/me crosses fingers
Yea, they're just scans of screenshots from a mag, that's why it looks like crap. I hope some "direct" screenshots get released soon.

Max looks like he's old, huh?
we will see some real screenshots very soon once the NDA is over

witch is today!
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Why not speak to one of the people in south Africa that has just come accross $15 and wants your account to deposit it in.

Yeah, maybe I should try one of those. :)
What could go wrong? :dork:

OT: I dont think he looks like Bruce Campbell...
Originally posted by thenerdguy
maybe he is old when he gets out of jail?

I don't think he ever went to jail, as Alfred Woden pulled a few 'strings'.
please don't spoil the ending of Max Payne for me.... I still need to complete it :(.... I'm stuck on the bit in the Aesir corporation building.... with the bit with the massed grenade launchers.... can anyone help... I don't know what to do :p

grrrrr they've got rid of his waistcoat... :(
Originally posted by mrBadger
please don't spoil the ending of Max Payne for me.... I still need to complete it :(.... I'm stuck on the bit in the Aesir corporation building.... with the bit with the massed grenade launchers.... can anyone help... I don't know what to do :p

grrrrr they've got rid of his waistcoat... :(

Er, sorry. It doesn't really spoil it that much.. if any.
Well Max Payne 2 is sub-titled 'The Fall Of Max Payne' - perhaps this guy takes over as max while he falls
It's k..... I was just warning people not too spoil my enjoyment of this great game.... a bit short...but laced with quality
I never played Max payne. is this a crime
/me waits to get flamed
yes... since it is very good and out now for only £9.99 in Woolworths (PLUG:E)
Originally posted by EVIL
I never played Max payne. is this a crime
/me waits to get flamed

You miss a lot of action and great story telling!
...and to do bullet time stunts


hehe, great fun, I particually like the matrix add on you can get so you can fight in the reception area of the building with Trinity, (when the rescue Morpheus), and then blow up the lift :p