First pics from Splinter Cell 2!


May 17, 2003
Reaction score



They dont look like in-game to me :(
Anyway!! more here CLICKY WIKY
SC2 is another game I'm looking forward to, but I do hope they improve the AI. The AI in SC was so and so, they can be dumb at times.
I hope they finally get rid of that toygun of a pistol you have in the first game and get some real weapons in.
Doesn't look all that different from SC 1 to me!
Originally posted by righte0us
I hope they finally get rid of that toygun of a pistol you have in the first game and get some real weapons in.

you moron that is a real gun, its a FN 5-7 that fires 5.7mm rounds. This is americas leet pistol. you have to be very secret to have one of these. this is not some shit berreta you can buy at target world. this pistol is stricktly government only, not even law enforcement. if this pistol was available to public, id say $3000 easy.
The 2nd shot at the top is in-game, the 1st and 3rd are probably cutscene stills.
That looks bloody amazing!

I hope it doesnt come out until 21st April 2004 :)
wtf are u talking about.. the fn57 is not americas elite pistol.... hk usp. socrom is what they use.. and thats what in the game to..
and 3000$ yah sure.. do you know anything about guns.. jesus..
well that looks no-different than the first one, I wonder if it'll have any content this time (took me 2 hours to complete, complete waste of money really, didn't even enjoy it that much)...
Yeah, Splinter Cell was WAY too linear and scripted. If they start to make another Stealth-based game, they should learn from Thief series.
Yeah they didnt change engines i read, and the gun he has in numer one is sure as shit NOT a SOCOM, i think he is right that it is an FN57 but there not as like elite as he is making them out to be. And the USP and the SOCOM are two different guns
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Yeah, Splinter Cell was WAY too linear and scripted. If they start to make another Stealth-based game, they should learn from Thief series.

Yes thief was a damn good game, It's a shame Looking glass went bankrupt ;( *Sob*
Oh well, I'm sure I could save up and buy the license of them, in later life :p
Yes, Thief III. Ion Strom says you will be able to explore whole city, not just rush and do your missions, but have some time looting houses! I am very happy!
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Yeah, Splinter Cell was WAY too linear and scripted. If they start to make another Stealth-based game, they should learn from Thief series.
That's another thing that blew about it, it was too linear and the game was too short.
YAY, thanks Dr.Sbaitso you just made a really bad day, into a happy one :p

/me dances around room, shouting YAY at top of voice....

wow, I don't know what I want more now, Thief III or Half-Life 2 :eek: Dilema!?!?!
Oh wait found something I don't like the sound of already
From the beginning, Ion Storm conceived of Thief III as a game for the Xbox and the PC, and the game is being simultaneously developed from a shared code base so the team can quickly demonstrate a new build of the game on either platform.

Randy Smith, lead designer and project lead for Thief III, told us that while this cross-platform approach presented some technical challenges, it has undoubtedly benefited the gameplay. The earlier games in the series let players use many different commands mapped to various keyboard controls, but the same commands in Thief III have been reworked for both consoles and PCs so the game's control will be "simple, clear, and powerful." The uncluttered interface we saw seemed quite intuitive--some elements appear only when relevant. Only the light gem (a magical stealth meter) is prominently displayed at all times, a reminder of just how important it is to know if you're hidden in shadow or perfectly visible to enemy guards.

Hopefully this won't mean the PC version is a port and that it will be basic and be really hard to control and just horrible....

I say to ION STORM don't change it keep it the same you fools before you wreck a really good and classic game....

If you haven't noticed I'm panicing now.... I'm off to cry ;(
Actually, reading the review, I don't think the reviewer has played the originals, as he's pointing out these "new" features that as he says "weren't in the first one", that were most defenatly in the first one!?!?!

and WTF have they done to lock picking...

/me goes off to cry again
Don't worry, everything will be okay, have faith :) Theif series can't be killed that easy!
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
you moron that is a real gun, its a FN 5-7 that fires 5.7mm rounds. This is americas leet pistol. you have to be very secret to have one of these. this is not some shit berreta you can buy at target world. this pistol is stricktly government only, not even law enforcement. if this pistol was available to public, id say $3000 easy.

I could care less what gun is it and how important it is. it looks like a friggin Nintendo Zapper.
actually for me it all that counts :)
I don't mind having some BIG BEWMAR that goes BEWM but squirts water.