First Screenshot!!! (need verify tho)


May 27, 2003
Reaction score

Original location:

Source (no pun intended):

Note: remove dash between hl2 and world too get the right link, they don't like them obviously :(

I'm not 100% sure on if the screen is real/not but it does look very very real to me :) They said they weren't doing an overhaul like CS:S and that seems to fit the description, little enhancements.
whoa awesome! yea it looks legit to me, it might be from the leak though :x
I checked this out too but i think its from a third party conversion from the leaked HL2 engine.
If someone can prove to me that it was from a leaked thing, I'll take it down. I've never seen a screenshot or heard anything about some sort of third party HL1 conversion though o_O
Iced_Eagle said:
If someone can prove to me that it was from a leaked thing, I'll take it down. I've never seen a screenshot or heard anything about some sort of third party HL1 conversion though o_O

There is a HL1 port for HL2 leak.
why wold a third party make a hl1 conversion? valve already announced theirs.
Shit I can't go back to original thread to edit out links for safety.

So if this is from the leak, mods modify my post to not include links and lock the thread only if you know it's from the beta :)
HL:S isn't supposed to be an overhaul like CSS... Just basically a direct port.

Here is what someone said about the SS and says its real.

the dude said:
That screenshot is real, and it's not new. It was published in issue #103 of PC Powerplay, an Australian magazine you may or may not have heard of. It also had a comparison shot from the original HL.
hegele said:
I checked this out too but i think its from a third party conversion from the leaked HL2 engine.
It's not. I have the exact same screenshot in a magazine i recently bought that had a little snippet on HL:S. It's straight from Valve.
Ah sweet!

IT"S LEGIT! For those who are just tuning in to the thread :)

They probably need to tweak the water more, but definetely an improvement over the old ;)
aaaah sexy

The picture looks a bit pixellated to it a scan by any chance?
Here's the one in the old half-life!

Now this one really looks crap!


  • yo.jpg
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iamaelephant said:
That looks like crap....
Thanks for the input, Mr. Positive. How did you expect it to look? They obviously aren't making any major changes to the art.. and why should they?
It's confirmed. It is a legit screen shot.
(Thanks to Mr-Fusion for the proof)
It looks ok, but CS:S looks better (and it's the same kind of 'port')... I will play HL:S anyways :)
Icarus said:
It's confirmed. It is a legit screen shot.
(Thanks to Mr-Fusion for the proof)

Aye, tis a much higher quality version of the one I've been PMing people.
wow! WOW! WOW, ooooohhhhhh mmmmmyyyyyy gggggoooodddd! :eek: I can't wait to play the first half-life for the 100th time!!! on source of course. I don't think i could stand playing the original again. :(

Lets just hope it gets released before hl2 otherwise i won't play it :( because i'll be playing hl2 for age's (I hope) :upstare:
But, I thought that they weren't upgrading the textures for HL:Source? Now I'm confused.
They aren't. Half-Life: Source will most likely be the exact same game, except in the Source engine (And maybe a few new models and textures, shaders etc.)
Sparta said:
They aren't. Half-Life: Source will most likely be the exact same game, except in the Source engine (And maybe a few new models and textures, shaders etc.)

Yep. Valve are throwing it in as a freebie, so they aren't going to spend an enormous amount of time and resources upon it. They are pretty much setting it up so that the modding community can update the appearance of things.
So that's what the big version of the pic from PC PowerPlay looks like...
FoB_Ed said:
aaaah sexy

The picture looks a bit pixellated to it a scan by any chance?

Sexy 6 year old game. Seems like the lighting and water has been improved, with some shader effects here and there. The textures haven't, but then I really didn't expect valve to do a full conversion, eh. ;)

So yeah, the textures seem pixelated, but then they are ancient.
wow... looks great ( but I hope HL2 will be better :) )

nice water...
Icarus said:
It's confirmed. It is a legit screen shot.
(Thanks to Mr-Fusion for the proof)

Any chance of it showing up on the news page? This seems like worthy news to report. :)

That looks like crap....

Well, it IS Half-Life. They're hardly changing anything.
Icarus said:
It's confirmed. It is a legit screen shot.
(Thanks to Mr-Fusion for the proof)

What proof? Of course anything using HL2 engine is going to look better. I swear I first saw this screenie on one of those learn to map for hl2 beta sites.

Besides if it where legit wouldn't Valve have released it?

Whether I'm right or not I don't know, or do I owe you an apology?
There's something wrong with lighting in the source screenshot.
It's too bright and the dark atmospehere get's lost.

I think the screenshot of the original Half-Life looks better.

Just my 2€cents!
doesn't look as good as I thought but I don't feel the need to play HL:S anyway..
its all very well portng hl1 to the source engine, but it just looks out of place having the sorta nice flashy water effect in a low detail blocky environment. it just doesnt match or fit well together and detracts from the immersive feeling you get when you play half life. if they spent the time they have on CS:S on this though, it would look very nice
riTuaL said:
doesn't look as good as I thought but I don't feel the need to play HL:S anyway..

Yeah, I agree. It doesn't look all that great. But you gotta remember that the textures, models and stuff are not touched. It's only the physics and stuff. Valve doesn't need to worry about CS:S and HL:S, but they need to worry about getting HL2 on Steam and the shelves!!!!! But that's just my opinion.
Loooks so half assed. If theyre going to release shit like that, id rather them wait to release high res textures, cuz that just looks like garbage and its not even worth putting in the package and taking up cd's. I'll install it, but I won't play it til someone does a real overhaul, and we all know, someone will.
brightgreen said:
again with the whiners

Yeah I know what you mean. HL:S is FREE people F-R-E-E! You can't complain about it if you didn't pay for it. That's like downloading a warez version and complaining you cant play multiplayer.

You guys should be happy valve is even touching half-life after all these years. But noooooooo all you people do is bitch because it would appear that if you don't you'll die or something.

Just appreciate what you get!!#!$($!*(!$* :flame: :flame: :flame:

/end rant
Original HL1 looks better... water is out of place. Looks like boiling silver. Maybe the physics do change alot but dont the have to add extra joints to the characters to really show it?
Kiva128 said:
Yeah I know what you mean. HL:S is FREE people F-R-E-E! You can't complain about it if you didn't pay for it. That's like downloading a warez version and complaining you cant play multiplayer.

You guys should be happy valve is even touching half-life after all these years. But noooooooo all you people do is bitch because it would appear that if you don't you'll die or something.

Just appreciate what you get!!#!$($!*(!$* :flame: :flame: :flame:

/end rant

Im Getting pretty sick of people like you! You actually think this is a "favor" done by valve. Don't you know that the mod scene is the main thing that sells copies!? Believe it or not there will be people out there that are just buying HL2 to play HL1 source.. I don't know what makes you think that valve is into this just to make us happy. Theyre making money too.